Canadian and USA Postal Alerts!! Mail Delivery is Considerably Slower Due to CV19 Pandemic - if you are not prepared to wait for a purchased item, please refrain from purchasing.  Mail is slow but items are arriving albeit not as fast as everyone wants! If you want tracking/insurance and/or registered mail, there is an extra charge otherwise item will be sent 1st class regular mail.

July 25/2020 Customers should anticipate delays as important safety measures, including physical distancing, means it takes longer to process heavy parcel volumes.

1984 O-Pee-Chee Bonus Card Mail In Checklist Nolan Ryan Yaz Rose Carew Reggie Schmidt   EX+... See scan and judge for yourself.  . Postage and handling is $1.95.    Wait for MY INVOICE if you win more than one item to get reduced cost...Check my feedback.  Check my EBAY STORE..... I am very proud of my 100% positive feedback for 23+ years on eBay.