Attention Missouri Buyers:  I am sorry, but I cannot sell to you.  If I were to sell to anyone who has a Missouri address, I would then have to: (1) charge you Missouri sales tax;  and (2) this would then require me to open a  Sales Tax Account with the MO Dept of Revenue, and meet all of their requirements.  I am a retired grandfather, and this is more paperwork than I want to do for the small amount of selling I do.  (If you order and specify a Missouri address, I will have to cancel out your order.)  Thanks for understanding.

Case of 10 Copies of the  84 NIV Bible GIANT Print -- Soft Cover

in the (recommended) 1984 copyright version - double column

14 pt Font print, which is very easy to read.

It has a dark Green Soft Cover which is reasonably durable, flexible and easier to thumb through than a hard cover version.

This Bible is in 14 pt. font, which makes it Giant Print.

Each page is in double column with the 1984 version NIV footnotes at the bottom of each page.

Here is how the publisher describes the physical features of this NIV full Bible:
"Features include:
(1) quality Bible paper [I would call it "medium grade"];
(2) a special informative"Promises and Perspectives from the Bible" section;
(3) a 32-page dictionary/concordance.
(4) FULL SIZE: 1,934 pages. (6-1/4" x 9-1/2" x 1-1/2")"

Please contact me with any questions, not only about this Bible but about any spiritual matters, questions, or concerns!   

I am a pastor and Bible teacher, and I am available to be a Spiritual blessing to you in any way I can.

Also, if you are interested in reading Scriptural Bible studies and articles, I invite you to check out my Group Page on Facebook. It is open to everyone and is absolutely free.  Search for "Teaching SOUND DOCTRINE"


Everything below pertains to:

***  details about font sizes
***  tips on selecting the right Bible
***  "Why the 84 NIV Bible?"
***  "Why you should avoid most Commentary Bibles
***    some Godly advice from me to whoever might be interested


I specialize in 84 NIV Bibles (especially GIANT & Large Print Editions, the Zondervan Study Bibles, and Student Bibles).    I can help you find the right Bible for you and your loved ones.  My supply of these is dwindling, but I can still help you obtain whatever you are needing.

I also have the fabulous Pradis CD ROM program with the 84 NIV Bible text & study/research tools.
This is wonderful to do Word Searches, block copy to Word or Word Perfect, and much more.

I also have a large number of booklets and books containing the Expository Comments, Articles, Sermons, and other writings of Harry Ironside, R.A. Torrey, J.C. Ryle, David Wilkerson, and Dave Hunt of thebereancall website. (These are five Godly men (all who are now deceased) whose writings are well worth reading.

Some of my 84 NIV Bibles are in my Ebay Store, and I will soon be listing others.

If you do not see what you are wanting, please write to me.


PRINT SIZES:  A Word of Caution: Many of the Bible ads SAY they are Medium, Large or Giant Print -- but they are NOT.   For instance the Publisher's description of the "84 Life Application Study Bibles" says it is "Large Print" - BUT IT IS NOT. It will be either an 8 pt (small) font) or an 11pt (medium) font.    Zondervan calls 11 pt font "large" but it is not. True Large Print is 12 pt - 12.5 pt.  Giant Print starts at 13
pt font. True full Giant Print is 14pt font.   And there are a few which are even larger print.


Why the 1984 Copyright Edition?  The 1984 Copyright NIV is the most accurate, reliable translation I have found.  The publisher (Biblica) no longer offers this 1984 copyright version. 

Sadly, their "revised" edition (the 2011 copyright version) has CHANGED approximately 24% of the scripture passages. It is NO LONGER an accurate translation of the original Hebrew & Greek transcripts.  Biblica changed the wording to make it more "gender neutral".   Biblica did this to appease various "special interest" groups, and for who knows what other reasons.   Many of the changes are small and subtle, and some are major. Overall the changes are "VERY disturbing" to many born again Christians who want to read the pure, accurate, literal Word of God. 


Next, SOME GODLY ADVICE ... from me to you .......

FIRST AND FOREMOST: Don’t rely on what any person or any church
TELLS you the Bible says. What if they are wrong ???

Seek God daily
Prayerfully read your Bible daily
Continually ask God to show you HIS truth 

Concerning Bible Study:

As a Bible teacher and evangelist for the Lord, here is what I tell everyone:

First, I strongly recommend the 84 copyright version of the NIV Bible. If you can't find one, the ESV is a very good choice. Also, the NASB will suffice. They are both literal, very good, accurate translations.

AVOID paraphrases such as the Good News Bible, Living Bible, and the 2011 copyright NIV version. AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE the "thing" called "the Message" - it is worse than horrible, and should never be referred to as a "bible".

Cherish your Bible and read it regularly. Read it slowly.  Allow the Lord to speak to you as you read and meditate on its Words. These Words are from God.

Between 80% and 90% of your Bible reading should be from
the New Testament. That is where you find God's message and instructions to us today. 

It starts out with the birth of Jesus, and covers His 33 years on earth as "the Word become flesh  (John 1:1-14).  It tells us of his life on earth, His crucifixion, burial,and resurrection.  It tells us  of the life of the early apostles, and contains their writings - which are written under the inspiration of God.

The, Bible tells us God's principles - and His requirements - for being
born again.

The Book of Romans teaches God's Plan of Salvation.   From Romans through Revelation, the born again Christian is instructed on how to live a holy life.

Throughout the entire New Testament tells us about the soon Rapture of the church (the body of Christ), the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the day of Judgment, and about eternity. 

For a new Bible student, I would recommend that you first read through the following scripture passages: Genesis 1:1; John 1:1-14; Romans 12:1-2; Matt 1:20-23; Mark 9:35; Luke 1:4; Luke 1:35; Luke 1:46-50; Luke 2:8-14; John 1:1-14; John 3:3-8; John 3:16-21; John 3:31-36' John 4:10, 13-14; Acts 1:8; Romans 1:16-117; Romans 3:9-18; Romans 4:7; Romans 8:1-39; Romans 12:1-2.   Then read 1st Corinthians 15:1-11, which summarizes "the gospel message whereby you are saved".

Then, I suggest that you read Genesis Chapter 1. Then go to the New Testament and read all the way through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and the first four Chapters of Acts. Then, read through all of these passages again. From that point, on pray and ask the Lord to lead you and guide you every time to sit down to read the scriptures.

Every time you go to the Bible, read slowly, carefully, and prayerfully. As you read, pray. Seek God. Ask Him to guide you to the Chapters He wants you to read, and ask Him to open your eyes to the scriptures as He leads you to them.

As you read Matthew, Mark and Luke you should feel somewhat distressed - as you are convicted of your sins. These books demonstrate to you how impossible is it to live a Godly life of your own effort. As you read these books, examine your heart. Repent. 

Believe the gospel, according to 1st Corinthians 15:1-11, which tells us,
". . . by this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance : that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve . . . after that he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers . . . this is what we preach, and this is what you believed." (from 1st Cor 15:1-11)

Then, when you turn to the Book of John, a joy will come upon you! 

John declares exactly WHO Jesus IS.   He is God Himself who became flesh (John 1:1-14) to die on the cross for YOU - to shed His blood as an atoning sacrifice - for YOU.    You will receive HOPE in your soul as as you begin to realize exactly WHO Jesus IS, and how He, God the Son (God Himself) shed His blood and died for YOUR sins, all according to the scriptures!!!

Then as you read Acts Chapters 1-4 you will savor how the early church was filled with the Holy Spirit, met, had fellowship, worshiped, and spread the gospel.

Then read the rest of the New Testament all the way through.   As you read from Romans through Revelation, you will learn how to live a Holy life to please our Most Holy God. You will delight in reading the Books of Colossians and Philippians, which teach and encourage the believer concerning how to LIVE your life in a manner well pleasing to the Lord.

Before reading much of the Old Testament, read through the New Testament once or twice -- until you are entirely familiar with each Book of the New Testament.

One exception is that you will want to go to Isaiah Chapter 53 frequently.  This Chapter tells of how Jesus Christ died for your sins. Here is an excerpt from Isaiah Chapter 53, verses 4, 5, & 6:
4 Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. 6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Another passage to read frequently begins at Romans 12:1. Place a bookmark at Romans 12:1 as an anchor point to all other scriptures - "...present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.....".

Most importantly .... As you read the Bible, SEEK the LORD and Pray. Continually ask the Lord to guide you -- and show you what He wants to show you that day.   The Lord will lead and guide you in your Bible reading.  He is more than able to lead you to any particular passage He wants you to read.

As you read, ask God to “open your eyes” to His truth.

Hear the words of Jesus at John 8:31-32:

"To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 


ALSO .... I recommend that for the most part, you skip the Annotated "study" or "Commentary" Bibles.

Why??? Most people who have these spend 2/3 of their time reading the annotations instead of the scriptures themselves.   This can be a huge distraction from the "pure milk of the Word", found only in the scriptures. 

 I would suggest that you stick with a Bible containing only the Bible text - with possibly a few footnotes and cross references.   A good Concordance and Maps in the back is also very helpful.

As for "Commentary Bibles" -- those with some pastor's comments or "study notes": - I would avoid them.   Reading these will subtly "indoctrinate" you with the "theology" of the commentator or pastor. I have yet to find a Bible commentator who does not incorporate some false doctrine and theology in his writings. 

For instance, the Commentary Bible and books of R C Sproul should be avoided.  His teachings will place a seed of doubt in the believer's mind as to whether he has truly been saved.  He is a five point Calvinist - AND he endorses those who falsely teach "self esteem" (loving self).

Also, Scofield believed and taught throughout his writings the false doctrine of "Calvinist Predestination.  Scofield believed - and taught - the false doctrine that "before God ever created Adam and Eve, God predestined which human beings ever born would go to heaven and which would go to hell -  that you and I have no say in that."   That is a false doctrine which has lead many astray. 

 It may surprise you to know that John MacCarthur is highly "Calvinistic" - and he believes and teaches much the same "theology" as Scofield. MacCarthur's Commentaries, sermons, etc. are all slanted in this direction . (If you currently read after Sproul or Scofield or MacCarthur, look for this!)  God will show it to you if you ask Him to do so. 

One of the WORST Study Bibles out there is the one by Finneus Jennings Dake. He believed/taught the heretical doctrine of salvation by works, and another damning doctrine of "eternal insecurity". Dake believed and taught the false doctrine/theology that if you commit a sin - ANY sin - you lose your salvation (and that if you don't fully repent it and "get saved again", you will die lost and go to hell.) All of his Commentaries are centered on this false teaching.

One more example:   Many like the Jimmy Swaggart Commentaries and the Swaggart Commentary Bible.  I would avoid both of these. Swaggart's theology stresses the Cross... and that would be good....EXCEPT that Swaggart  goes to the extreme in this direction, virtually leaving out the equally blessed and equally important doctrine concerning the Power of the Resurrection.  Swaggart says, "the focus of your faith must be 'The Cross'.  He rarely mentions the Power of Christ's resurrection. His teachings "keep you at the cross", and never quite reach the total victory which comes only through Christ's resurrection. (Also, it makes me uncomfortable to see how he has placed his own comments in red letter - just under each scripture passage - which, to me, sort of gives people the subtle impression that Swaggart's comments are of equal importance to the scriptures themselves. And it makes me even more uncomfortable that he has placed his own "words" in Red. Sorry, but traditionally, the Words of Christ are in Red. And one more thing, although Swaggart says he has utilized the KJV Bible, I notice that he has modified the KJV passages here and there in his version. For instance, he capitalizes the word "cross" whenever he refers to it. If you have the Swaggart Commentary Bible, pray about this, and ask the Lord to give you wisdom. I did, and the Lord opened my eyes. My copy went into the incinerator.

The scriptures command you to "find out what pleases God" and to obey His commands. 

In order to do this you must know what the Bible says. Don't rely on what any man tells you.

What if he is wrong ??????

One more thing: from time to time read through the Book of 1st John, and COMPARE your life with what John says will be the life of the truly born again Christian. At 1st John 5:13 we are told
that the Book of 1st John was written "that you may know that you have eternal life." 

Read the  entirety of 1st John and examine yourself. 2nd Corinthians 13:5 instructs you to:

"Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?"

Please feel free to contact me any time with comments, questions.... or your testimony of salvation! 


Comparing the NIV to the KJV:

A source of great concern to me are the "KJV only" folks out there. They will all tell you that only the KJV is the true and perfect Word of God, and that all other translations are inaccurate - of the devil - or worse. Although I have a KJV Bible and read from it occasionally, I spend 99% of my time in the 84 NIV Bible (or the ESV version). And here is why:

The 84 copyright NIV is a correct, reliable , accurate translation in our American English. The KJV is not.

The KJV is written in Old Elizabethan English, the language of King James I, in 1611. 

Elizabethan terminology was much different back than our language of today.

Also, you might be interested to know that King James decreed (ordered) that the KJV be written in order to "meet his own personal agenda." He wanted a translation which would conform
to the ecclesiology (doctrine) of the Church of England. King James personally selected 47 of his faithful subjects - 47 so called "scholars" -- under his direct rule and control -- to write the new translation. (Keep in mind -- King James had the authority to cut off their heads if for any reason their work did not please him). 

King James gave the translators specific instructions that the new translation should "conform to the ecclesiology (doctrine) of the Church of England and should reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England.

One thing very important to King James was that the new translation should support the theology of the Church of England concerning its "ordained clergy" which overlorded and ruled over the masses." 


IN CONTRAST, the 1984 copyright NIV translation was the work of many independent scholars from many colleges, universities, and seminaries all over the world. All of them were acknowledged to be
experts in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek The work took thousands of hours between 1965-1984. 

The work was independent from the control any particular denomination or special interest group.

The stated purpose of the translation team was to "create a literal, accurate translation in our American English".

In studying -- and comparing -- the KJV and the NIV version for over thirty years:

(1) I have found the 84 NIV to be very accurate, reliable, and easy to understand, because it is in our 20th Century American English language.

(2) I have found the KJV to be moderately difficult to read with ease and understanding -

AND I have found in the KJV numerous passages which have translation errors - some small and some
quite significant (FOR EXAMPLE, the worst translation error I have found in the KJV is Romans 8:1 - compare the KJV to the correct translation in the NIV and see for yourself).

(3) I have found many of the words in the KJV to be archaic and difficult to understand, due to the fact we do not commonly use such words today.

For instance: The KJV says, "let love be without dissimulation". The NIV says it in our language: "let love be sincere" The KJV says "love constrains us". The NIV says, "love compels us")

In the KJV, Romans 3:25 says, "Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood . In the KJV, 1st John 2:2 says, 

" And he is the propitiation for our sins:

Do you understand what propitiation means??? I certainly did not until I looked it up.

The NIV says, Romans 3:25 God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood.
The NIV says, 1st John 2:2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins . . .
And compare the difference in ease of reading of Mark 7:20-23 in the NIV after first reading the KJV:

KJV: 20 And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. 21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
22 Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:
23 All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.
Do you understand the meaning of all of the underlined words ???? I didn't.
Now read the same passage in the NIV:
NIV: 20 He went on: “What comes out of a man is what makes him ‘unclean.’ 21 For from within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, 22 greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. 23 All these evils come from inside and make a man ‘unclean.’ ” Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

I will repeat a word of advice to those of you who are seeking the things of the Lord:

As you read the Bible, ask God to “open your eyes” to His truth. Hear the words of Jesus at John 8:31-32: To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, 'If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.


To close: I am a born again Christian (see John 3:3-11). God has called me primarily as a Bible teacher and evangust.  My heart's desire is to see people turn to God in repentance and faith, and believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Please feel free to write to me any time about any Bible or spiritual questions you might have. I am here to serve the Lord.   If you want a copy of the 84 NIV Bible but simply cannot afford the price of one, please contact me, and I will send you one, free and postpaid. I have over three hundred of the 84 NIV Bibles in my closet, and it is my heartfelt desire to get each and every one in to the hands of someone who treasures the Word of God and who will actually read it.

Thanks for reading and considering all that I have shared with you above,

Yours in Christ Jesus, 
