ELID SOLUTIONS SILENT Fan 8 PWM Quiet Powerful CFM/CMH 27 mmAq 1.65 M6C2NL M6C2.IV


- Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

- Silent Operation w/ Rubber Fan Mounts

- Optimized Fan Blades

- High Airflow & High Static Pressure

- Long Lifetime (50’000 h MTTF at 40°C)

- 5 Years Warranty


Silent 8 PWM (FN-PX08-20)

80mm Case Fan with Intelligent PWM control

Designed for advanced users GELID Silent PWM fans provide additional airflow by using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to automatically adjust fan speed according to the CPU load. The fan can be idled down and thus be much quieter. An intelligent IC had been integrated into the fan’s PCB to exploit your mainboard’s BIOS software. This technology is more efficient and convenient than using an external fan controller to adjust the voltage.

Each fan impeller has been individually balanced using the latest technology to guarantee steady, unwavering operation. To add to the silence fan mounts replace traditional screws and are made of high quality, temperature resistant, extra long lasting rubber and stop vibrations from the fan motor from traveling into your PC case.

How does PWM work?

Pulse-width modulation (PWM) delivers a digital signal. The advantages of using a digital PWM signal compared to an analogue controller are:

– PWM control calculates the appropriate cooling performance according to CPU and System temperature

– PWM control of your mainboard will always adjust to the correct cooling

– PWM control operates without generating any heat

The Intelligent GELID PWM Curve


The intelligent GELID PWM Curve is more effecient than the traditional red curve of other PWM fans


- INCLUDED: 4 Fan Mounts

- Air Flow (CFM/CMH): 27

- Bearing: Hydro Dynamic Bearing

- Cable Length (mm): 500

- Connector: 4 Pin

- Current (A): 0.13

- Dimension of Fan (mm): 80 x 80 x 25

- Fan Speed (RPM): 900 – 2000

- Noise Level (dBA): 10 – 21.5

- Safety Approvals: CE, RoHS Compliant

- Static Pressure (mmAq): 1,65

- Voltage (V): 12

- Warranty (years): 5

- Weight (g): 68

SILENT 8 PWM Pulse Width Modulation Dissipatore CPU 8cm Lunga Vita GELID M6C2BE M6C2.IV


-modulazione di larghezza di impulso (PWM)

-funzionamento silenzioso w / supporti di gomma di Fan 

-pale del ventilatore ottimizzato 

-alto flusso d'aria & alta pressione statica 

-lunga durata (50'000 h MTTF a 40° C)

-5 anni di garanzia


Silent 8 PWM (FN-PX08-20)

80 millimetri ventola con controllo intelligente PWM 

progettato per gli utenti avanzati ventole PWM Silent gelido di fornire ulteriori flusso d'aria tramite modulazione di larghezza di impulso (PWM) per regolare automaticamente la velocità della ventola in base al carico di CPU. Il ventilatore può essere idled giù e quindi essere molto più tranquille. Un intelligente IC stato integrato in PCB della ventola per sfruttare il software del BIOS della scheda madre. Questa tecnologia è più efficiente e conveniente rispetto all'utilizzo di un controller ventola esterna per regolare la tensione.

ogni girante del ventilatore è stato bilanciato singolarmente utilizzando le ultime tecnologie per garantire un funzionamento costante e incrollabile. Per aggiungere al ventilatore silenzio Montaggi a sostituire viti tradizionalie sono fatti di alta qualità, resistente alle temperature, extra lunga durature vibrazioni in gomma e fermata dal ventilatore a motore di viaggiare sul caso di PC.

Come funziona il PWM?

 modulazione di larghezza di impulso (PWM) fornisce un segnale digitale. I vantaggi dell'utilizzo di un segnale PWM digitale rispetto a un controller analogici sono:

–controllo PWM calcola le prestazioni di raffreddamento appropriata secondo la temperatura della CPU e sistema 

– controllo PWM della scheda madreadeguerà sempre per il corretto raffreddamento

– controllo PWMopera senza generare alcun calore

 curva PWM intelligente il gelido 


 curva intelligente gelido PWM è più efficiente di tradizionalerosso curva di altri fan PWM 


- incluso: supporti della ventola 4 

-Air Flow (CFM/CMH): 27

- cuscinetto: idro dinamico cuscinetto

-Lunghezza cavo (mm): 500

-Connettore: 4 Pin

-corrente (A): 0,13

-dimensione della ventola (mm): 80 x 80 x 25

-Fan Speed (RPM) : 900 – 2000

-livello di rumorosità (dBA): 10 – 21,5

-approvazioni di sicurezza: CE, RoHS compiacente

-pressione statica (mmAq): 1,65

-tensione (V): 12

-garanzia (anni): 5

-Peso (g): 68

ELID SOLUTIONS SILENT Fan 8 PWM Quiet Powerful CFM/CMH 27 mmAq 1.65 M6C2IT M6C2.IV


- Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

- Silent Operation w/ Rubber Fan Mounts

- Optimized Fan Blades

- High Airflow & High Static Pressure

- Long Lifetime (50’000 h MTTF at 40°C)

- 5 Years Warranty


Silent 8 PWM (FN-PX08-20)

80mm Case Fan with Intelligent PWM control

Designed for advanced users GELID Silent PWM fans provide additional airflow by using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to automatically adjust fan speed according to the CPU load. The fan can be idled down and thus be much quieter. An intelligent IC had been integrated into the fan’s PCB to exploit your mainboard’s BIOS software. This technology is more efficient and convenient than using an external fan controller to adjust the voltage.

Each fan impeller has been individually balanced using the latest technology to guarantee steady, unwavering operation. To add to the silence fan mounts replace traditional screws and are made of high quality, temperature resistant, extra long lasting rubber and stop vibrations from the fan motor from traveling into your PC case.

How does PWM work?

Pulse-width modulation (PWM) delivers a digital signal. The advantages of using a digital PWM signal compared to an analogue controller are:

– PWM control calculates the appropriate cooling performance according to CPU and System temperature

– PWM control of your mainboard will always adjust to the correct cooling

– PWM control operates without generating any heat

The Intelligent GELID PWM Curve


The intelligent GELID PWM Curve is more effecient than the traditional red curve of other PWM fans


- INCLUDED: 4 Fan Mounts

- Air Flow (CFM/CMH): 27

- Bearing: Hydro Dynamic Bearing

- Cable Length (mm): 500

- Connector: 4 Pin

- Current (A): 0.13

- Dimension of Fan (mm): 80 x 80 x 25

- Fan Speed (RPM): 900 – 2000

- Noise Level (dBA): 10 – 21.5

- Safety Approvals: CE, RoHS Compliant

- Static Pressure (mmAq): 1,65

- Voltage (V): 12

- Warranty (years): 5

- Weight (g): 68

SILENT PWM Pulse Width Modulation 8 CPU dzesētājs 80 mm garš mūžs GELID M6C2LE M6C2.IV


- Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

- Silent Darbība w / gumijas Fan balsti

- Optimizēta Fan Blades
< br /> - High Airflow & amp; High statiskā spiediena

- Long Lifetime (50 & rsquo; 000 h MTTF at 40 & deg; C)

- 5 years warranty

< br /> Apraksts

klusa 8 PWM (FN-PX08-20)

80mm Case Fan ar viedā PWM kontroli

< br /> Paredzēts pieredzējušiem lietotājiem ledains klusuma PWM faniem sniegt papildu gaisa plūsmu, izmantojot Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), lai automātiski regulēt ventilatora ātrumu atkarībā no CPU slodzi. Ventilatoru var idled uz leju, un tādējādi ir daudz klusāks. Inteliģenta IC tika integrēts ventilators & rsquo; s PCB, lai izmantotu jūsu mainboard & rsquo; s BIOS programmatūru. Šī tehnoloģija ir efektīvāka, un ērtāk, nekā izmantojot ārēju ventilatoru kontrolieris pielāgot spriegumu.

Katram ventilatora lāpstiņritenis ir individuāli balstīts izmantojot jaunākās tehnoloģijas, lai garantētu vienmērīgu, stingrs darbību. Lai pievienotu klusumā ventilators stiprinājumi aizvietot tradicionālās skrūves un ir izgatavoti no augstas kvalitātes, termoizturīga, papildus ilgstošu gumijas un pārtraukt vibrācijas no ventilatora motora, kas ceļo uz datora gadījumā.

Kā PWM darbojas?

impulsa platuma modulācija (PWM) nodrošina digitālo signālu. No izmantojot digitālo PWM signālu, salīdzinot ar analogu kontrolieri priekšrocības ir:

& ndash; PWM kontroles aprēķina atbilstošu dzesēšanas veiktspēju saskaņā ar CPU un sistēmas temperatūru

& ndash; PWM kontrole jūsu mainboard vienmēr pielāgoties pareizu dzesēšanas

& ndash; PWM kontrole darbojas neradot nekādu siltumu

Saprātīga auksts PWM Curve

 width =

inteliģentā auksts PWM Curve ir vairāk effecient nekā tradicionālo sarkano līkni citas PWM fani


- IEKĻAUTS: 4 Fan balsti

- Air Flow (CFM / CMH) : 27

- Gultņu: Hydro Dynamic Bearing

- kabeļu garums (mm): 500

- Connector: 4 Pin
< br /> - pašreizējais (A): 0.13

- dimensija Fan (mm): 80 x 80 x 25

- Fan Speed ​​(RPM): 900 & ndash, 2000

- Trokšņu līmenis (dBA): 10 & ndash; 21.5

- Drošības Apstiprināts: CE, RoHS

- Statiskā spiediena (mmAq): 1,65

- Spriegums (V): 12

- Garantija (gadi): 5

- Svars (g): 68