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This  high quality 3D printed adapters enables you to use 35mm film canisters in medium format cameras like Hasselblad, Mamiya 6, 7, 67, Rolleiflex, old folders and others.

You receive two pairs, no empty cartridge or film are included in this offer.
  • High quality 3D printed adapter that allows to use 35 mm film in medium format cameras that use 120 roll film type. 
  • ideal to produce panoramic photos, or to expose the emulsion holes to obtain a certain effect or to expand your medium format camera capabilities (to use emulsion sensitivity not available in 120 format for example).
  • you can purchase 2 pairs, 1 pair for each side for a simple use. You can also use an empty 120 mm cartridge as the take up reel.
  • Premium quality filament made in the Netherlands is used.
For any question, drop me a message, I answer quickly.