100% Natural Pine Needle Tea Medicinal Herbal 50T Bags Medicinal Korean Herbal

▶ Country of origin : Republic of Korea

▶ Volume : 1g x 1 Tea Bags

▶ Condition : 100% Brand-new unused, unopened, undamaged item.

▶ Product description
Pine needles have long been used as a traditional health-promoting medicinal food
because they exhibit strong antioxidant,antimutagenic
Components of the pine needle powder are moisture,protein,fat,carbohydrates,fiver, and minerals.
Pine needles can be easily eaten by anyone, and it has an excellent effect in the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

Stabilization effect of nerve
It also helps prevent and treat colds.
Rich in vitamins and iron, it is good for anemia.
Contains glucosamine, an ingredient that lowers blood sugar to help with diabetes.

▶ How to use
- You can drink the tea hot or cold.
-Ground for use in baking, smoothies, yogurts, hot cereals, and salads.
- Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, keep in a cool, dry place.
-Shipping’d recently produced products.