L-Arginine is a precursor (the substance that accompanies the first stage of chemical reaction) of nitric oxide, 
which has a positive effect on the body. Nitric oxide causes smooth muscle dilation, which reduces blood pressure 
and the risk of infarction. Immunity of the body improves as well as improves the effectiveness of exercise. 
In addition, l-arginine accelerates healing of wounds, bruises and burns, regulates growth hormone, 
insulin and glucagon. It is a powerful antioxidant, thus reducing the amount of free radicals in the body, 
thus reducing the risk of civilization diseases and delaying aging. L-arginine protects the liver, kidneys and nervous 
system. It cleans out those ammonia-containing organs, protecting people with heavy physical exertion from 
serious illness. L-arginine is a supplement that improves exercise capacity and boosts protein synthesis. 
L-arginine accelerates body regeneration after training and increases muscle mass.