Olympus OM1 Scientific Set 250 Shot Mag, winders, spare cassetter, controller, cabling, transformers all tested working!

Before we proceed it's best that you know that there is a near mint black bodied OM1 underneath this lot, it's back it there and can be fitted in order to make this a lovely normal and usuable camera....it is really a beauty.

Now look at all this rare stuff is comes with.....Pretty much a complete set with some extras...and there's too much here for us to even begin to relay to you so if you want to know more about this lovely set then quickly use Googel to find the info on MIR (dot.com) where there's a lot of information that will explain much more and better in terms of comprehensive than we could!

A really special set, we have tested it and it all works, just have to make sure that all the connections are firm and off it goes....you can leave taking a photo once every ten seconds or any period up to 90 seconds...or as we say, fit the ordinary back and use it like any other OM1.

Cabling is all there, the Contoller is USA 110v so we have added a transformer to make it safe to use.  There are two winders, the more scarce Winder 1 and the up to five frames per second motor drive Motor Drive 1 with power pack.

Oh, and it has the lovely 5mm f1.4 lens which is clean and clear with no oiling of the aperture blades.....this is one hell of a set!!!

Do note that this is a valuable and weight lot of gear so will need to be couriered at cost....something that looks after both buyer and seller in this case :)