Hard N Heavy Volume 16 International Music Magazine on Video VHS Tape 1992.

Exclusive interviews and much more skid row Grind through UK Nirvana grunge rock beatniks public enemy harder than you +10 machine Thin Lizzy Ali guns Allison machines Cinderella and more. You won’t see this on TV. Parental advisory explicit everything

One of the most influential bands of the 70s thin lizzy Please they are timeless dedication

On the set an in full affect the kings of the big beat the most important rap group in the world public enemy they ain’t metal but anyone who thinks they aren’t hard and heavy has no pulse also join us on one of the most lavish video shoots of all time with Aldo nova

On the edge of new rock with alternative chart trooper smashing pumpkins plus a mind altering interview with fear of God Haley scared the crap out of us

The latest soon to be stars from Boston it’s naked age and their band of head leveling metal

No one else gives you so much Skid Row cut loose in London Cinderella gets the blues in Chicago Alice In Chains explains their injuries Nirvana explains existence bang tango kicks back at home lawnmower deth rips up the village green

This is a very cool find tested and works