Health benefits of barley grass include relief from ulcerative colitis, prevention and treatment of cancer, strengthening of immune system, cleansing and detoxification of the body, protection from radiation and cellular damage, ability to fight addiction and regenerate damaged cells and tissues. It maintains healthy skin, acid-alkali balance, contributes in the bone metabolism, promotes agility and exerts rejuvenating effects on the entire body. HOW DO YOU TAKE PURE ORGANIC BARLEY POWDER? Since this is a food supplement, there is no limit to the amount taken. There are no side effects or contra-indications. Amazing pure organic barley powdered juice drink may be taken along side any prescribed medication. Safe for pregnant women and may be taken by all ages. For sick or recovering people: 1 sachet of amazing pure organic barley powdered drink 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. If daily maintenance only: 1 sachet of amazing pure organic barley powdered drink 30 minutes before breakfast daily. Mix this with 200ml glass of either cold or room temperature water.