110% AUTHENTIC QUANTUMIN PLUS QDYNAMICS DEALER'S ID: 89357012 👊 We do not sell fake items ever. Each & every bottle from this shop is AUTHENTIC. ❌ Quantumin Plus bottles are sturdy & won't easily break. If you see anyone selling Quantumin Plus with a bottle that is broken or with a hole, then think twice. In the 10 years+ that we sell Quantumin Plus, we have never seen any bottle with holes and or a brittle bottle that breaks easily. 🥳 We are a legit distributor of Qdynamics for more than 10 years now selling Quantumin Plus in the Philippines & abroad 🥰 5 years PREFERRED SELLER in Shopee & counting What is Quantumin Plus? A Multimineral with modern-day phenomenal molecules and sodium ascorbate in one bottle. How Does it Works? Fulvic & Humic acid make cell walls more permeable for nutrients to enter and toxins to exit effectively. A single molecule of fulvic acid carries 60 or more minerals and trace elements into the cell. A special process called Quantumin potentiation activates and transforms nutrients/minerals to bio-energized form so that a few drops will give immediate effects with no overdose. This energized state makes zeolite a very effective and fast detoxifier even of the brain and nervous system. Why you should use Quantumin Plus? These are few of the very many reasons why people continuously use Quantumin Plus: 💧 Energizes and balances electrical potential at the cellular level 💧Detoxifies the different organs of various chemicals like pesticides, radioactive elements and other pollutants 💧Alkalinizer to neutralize body acids, stomach acids 💧Chelates heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, etc 💧Increases amount of oxygen in the blood 💧Transports nutrients right into the cells 💧Increases absorbability of other nutrients and medicines 💧Promotes mental clarity and sense of well being 💧Improves enzyme production and activity 💧Contains antibiotic effects without developing resistant strains even on prolonged use 💧Neutralizes free radicals 💧Normalizes the immune system function Formulation: Philippine mineral powder with magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, silica, phosphorus, bicarbonates, trace minerals, zeolites, fulvic & humic substances fortified with sodium ascorbate (alkaline Vitamin C). Suggested Use: For Detox Place 3-5 drops in one glass water or any liquid preferably 8 to 10 times a day. (Higher dose maybe given in chronic and severe cases). For Treatment Put at least 3 drops initially per regular glass of water. For juices, coffee, beers, soups and rice and other acidic beverages and foods put at least 5-10 drops. For Emergency Cases Directly squeeze contents directly into the mouth while patient is being transported to the nearest health care facility. NOTE: Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily to hasten detox effects. #QUANTUMIN #QUANTUMINPLUS