Crypto password keeper 

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Crypto Seed Phrase Storage 24 word recovery seed crypto engraving plates crypto wallet ledger
Speicherung von Krypto-Seed-Phrasen Samenphrase Metallplatte deposito di semi di criptovaluta

Hooe England Crypto Seed Phrase Storage Lazer Engraved Cold Titanium Metal Wallet Punchable or Etchable Plate For Offline Bitcoin Ethereum Cryptocurrency Mnemonic Backup Recovery Word

  • Grade 2 Lazer Engraved Titanium Plate
  • Safe Safe & secure from environmental factors: Waterproof, Fireproof, Shockproof, Corrosion resistant and hacker-proof crypto cold storage. Crypto seed storage Titanium Melting temperature 1668°C/3030°F.


Before engraving an actual plate, it is recommended that you practice on other surfaces so that you can get familiar with how to engrave properly and how much pressure should be applied to your tool.

Krypto-Gravurplatten Stockage de phrases de départ cryptographiques plaque de métal phrase de graine

stockage de graines de crypto-mon Graine de récupération de 24 mots naie

Archiviazione di frasi seme crittografiche placca di metallo frase seme  crypto gravure platen

Almacenamiento de frases de semillas criptográficas  frase semilla placa de metal

1x Grade 2 Lazer Engraved Titanium Plate (90mm x 56mm x 2mm)

  • , you should not hold the plate in one hand and punch or etch it with the other. For a better and more precise result, Place your metal crypto seed storage plate on flat surface support then engrave.

1x Storage Envelope

  • Insert the mnemonic metal washers into the envelope (included) and attach the sticker to the envelope. Store the plate in a safe place and only retrieve them if your Titanium seed phrase backup has been compromised.


  • 1x Grade 2 Lazer Engraved Titanium Plate (90mm x 56mm x 2mm)
  • 1x Storage Envelope