Vintage nautical desk lamp/table lamp/lantern with double din lighting, solid dark wooden base. Hinged door opens to secondary flicker lighting. Door has a thick glass pane with grate covering it.  I can't officially date the item. My research points to mid century. The home owner was a collector of early to mid century nautical decor.  Door and hinge move smooth. Felting on the bottom has come rolled back but i decided against using glue. Generalized green spots (aged brass discoloration) which ive shown in the images. Bulbs are NOT INCLUDED but are easily found online as well as most any hardware and department stores . Item requires a small 120watt flicker type bulb goes inside the box and a 3 way bulb (50-100-150W) was in the top . See images for reference regarding bulb sizes.

Any questions I can answer please feel free to ask. I'll do my best.

Thanks for looking!