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Cucchiaino rotante Mepps Aglia oro punti neri
Artificiale conosciuto dai pescatori di tutto il mondo; ideale per tutti i tipi di pesca grazie alla vasta gamma di misure disponibile. Ottimo sulla distanza di lancio; lavora bene sia con recuperi lenti che veloci, ottimo l'effetto visivo e acustico durante il moto. Disponibile nelle misure 1 (1/8 oz. - 3,55 gr.), 2 (1/6 oz. - 4,7 gr.), 3 (1/4 oz. - 7,1 gr.)

The Mepps Aglia spinner is the original French spinner. It is the World's #1 Lure. More trophy fish have been caught on the Mepps Aglia than any other lure. Lure size is important. The rule of thumb is use smaller lures to catch smaller fish and larger lures to catch larger fish. Keep in mind plain spinners present a smaller profile than dressed spinners, so they will appear smaller to the fish. This makes them perfect for panfish and small stream trout. Fishing with dressed spinners can produce larger fish, but, when stream trout fishing, you will probably catch more fish using plain spinners. Mepps Aglias come in sizes #00 through #5. A #00 is a Mepps Ultra Lite and it weighs only 1/18 oz. A #5 Aglia, by contrast weighs 1/2 oz. The Mepps Aglia is extremely popular with fishermen world-wide because it will catch just about any freshwater fish and many species of saltwater fish. Mepps plain treble or single hook Aglias in size #00 or #0 are perfect for panfish (bluegills or sunfish) and small stream trout. They are very light, however, and require a nimble rod, equipped with a light action reel spooled with light line; nothing heavier than six-pound-test. Two-pound-test to four-pound-test is better. Aglias in size #1 and #2 are perfect for larger stream trout and large bluegills, sunfish and crappies. Size #2 Aglias are also excellent for smallmouth bass and walleye. These sizes are ideal for teaching youngsters the basics of spinner fishing, as they are heavy enough to cast well with light tackle, yet they are small enough to catch a wide variety of fish. Size #4 and # 5 Aglias are ideal for large rainbow trout and steelhead, as well as coho (silver) and chinook (king) salmon.

Artificielle connue par les pêcheurs dans le monde entier, idéal pour tous les types de pêche à travers un large éventail de mesures disponibles. Excellent sur la distance de lancer et fonctionne bien avec reprise lente et rapide, meilleur effet visuel et sonore en mouvement. Disponible dans les tailles 1 (1/8 oz. - 3,55 gr), 2 (1/6 oz. - 4,7 gr), 3 (1/4 oz. - 7,1 gr)

Artificial conocida por los pescadores de todo el mundo, ideal para todo tipo de pesca a través de una amplia gama de medidas disponibles. Excelente en la distancia de lanzamiento y funciona bien tanto con la recuperación lenta y rápida, mejor efecto visual y el ruido en movimiento. Disponible en tamaños de 1 (1/8 oz. - 3.55 gr), 2 (1/6 oz. - 4.7 gr.), 3 (1/4 oz. - 7,1 gr)