Offering Affordable Solutions to Custom Gaming PCs!
Simply message us with your:
- Budget
- Intended Use
- Any specific information or added details wanted to the PC
and we will work out a perfect solution to match all needs!
Pre-Built solutions are boring, poorly built, and are built with the cheapest materials possible.
Building a custom PC will ensure that your EXACT details are pertained to and met with the most detailed craftsmanship.
Additionally, every order with us comes with responsive, fast customer service, to guide you through troublesome situations, and help you with any questions you may have.
Before the purchase of any custom PC, we will send a list of parts, and will not go through with the build until both we and you are completely satisfied with the parts and workings of the custom PC.
Our job is to make sure you are SURE of EVERYTHING that will go into your PC so by the time you receive it, it'll already feel like yours.
Unlike other generic PC building services, we have NO hidden fees.

*Make sure to message us BEFORE purchasing the listing, as the listing will have to be adjusted for everyone's individual needs
*Shipping will be calculated AFTER the PC is built, so make sure to message us with all above details so we can adjust the listing to your needs