Thunderbirds are go - TB1 - Scott Tracy - Action Figure

Note that differences in packaging can occur. But in all cases, the correct back and front will be used and the product will be complete

For this product, it means that the packaging was defect. The current packaging, as is seen in the screenshots, has been fastened together with tape and (in some occurances) staples. It's possible shop stickers are still present on the packaging. Do know that the product itself (the figure and accessories if applicable) has not been played with and are considered "as new". The product is complete

Thunderbirds Are Go is a computer-animated science fiction television programme produced by ITV Studios and Pukeko Pictures. It is a reboot of the Thunderbirds series. To coincide with the new series, a Thunderbirds Are Go! Toy Range has been released. The primary line of figures and vehicles is headed by Vivid Imaginations, a company who first acquired the license to produce Thunderbirds toys in 1999.

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