Add our miniature VOLCANO replica to your diorama of EXTINCT ANIMALS or use it in a geography science project. We have many miniature accessories available. We are here to help with ideas for educational displays.

Our Plastic Volcano Our small plastic volcano toy is just the right size replica for your prehistoric life shoebox diorama. This little volcano model will fit in a shoe box along with examples of extinct life from the Earth's past. Add a caveman, cave woman and child, and a few plastic animals; create a landscape with rocks, plants, grass, make a river or stream from anything that strikes your imagination, and there you go - a scene of life on our planet as it might have been thousands or millions of years ago. You could also add this volcano to a scene of the Hawaii or other Pacific islands or continents around the "Pacific Ring of Fire." Our plastic toy volcano is made of solid plastic and is quite durable. Be sure to take a look at our prehistoric figurines including cave people. About Volcanos Not many places on earth are more revered - or feared - than volcanoes. Capable of spewing smoke, ash, and liquid fire, it's no wonder volcanoes have been worshipped as the homes of indwelling deities by people for centuries. Restless volcanoes make history (Pompeii) and can birth themselves as islands in the ocean. One new baby volcano island in Japan just devoured its larger neighbor. "Cannibalism," explosions, and the dwelling places of gods: if they were human, volcanoes would probably have their own reality show.