One of a Used Massey Harris Hood

Part number: 760998M91

Removed from: Super 44

All of our used parts are inspected by our shop mechanics and personnel.

Inspection notes: Has some rust spots, some pitting, and has a dent in the side will need some straightening.

Please ask if you have any questions about the part and application of the part. We will be more than happy to look it up with your model and Serial Number and to  help in any way we can.

We do offer combined shipping with other parts we sell, just click to buy the parts but do not pay for them yet. We will create an invoice with the adjusted shipping amount. You will receive a notification from eBay with the invoice. You pay and we ship. If you pay first before we have the opportunity to do this eBay will not let us refund any of the shipping it is a done deal.

International purchases may be subject to import charges by your home country.

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