13 Tzameti (2005) writer/director Géla Babluani gives his critically lauded thriller an English-language makeover in this remake featuring Mickey Rourke and Jason Statham. Handyman Vince Ferro (Sam Riley) is in a serious financial bind, and he decides to steal a mysterious envelope containing a lucrative job offer. Posing as the client he stole it from, Vince quickly finds himself participating in a bizarre game of Russian roulette in which degenerate gamblers wager on life and death. The rules are simple: Each participant loads a single bullet into a revolver, spins the chamber, and points it at another man's head. When the light bulb in the center of the room turns on, each contestant pulls the trigger. The players who survive live to play another round as the stakes get progressively higher. Should anyone attempt to escape, they're shot on sight. With a little luck, perhaps Vince can live through the game and collect a big-enough payout to solve all of his problems. Ray Winstone, Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson, Michael Shannon, and Alexander Skarsgard co-star...