Sang-Froid is designed to help take the 'edge off'. Users can expect to feel more laid back and stress free. Sang-Froid is useful for anxiety relief, stress and sleep. It is regarded as a useful member of natural antidepressants.

About the Product:

Let's start off by talking about St. John's Wort a little. It's took us an absurdly long time to find a reliable supplier of this. We asked pretty much everyone for COA (Certificate of Analysis) to prove to us the hypericin content of their product. It was shocking to learn that near nobody measures for it in the UK and some big companies don't know what it is! Hypericin is the main active ingredient in St. Johns Wort responsible for having antidepressant properties. Its evident to us therefore that many companies are just chopping down the plant and encapsulating it. This is a weak and lazy attempt at utilising the benefits of a provenly effective plant. Our St. John's Wort is 0.3% hypericin which is perfect for a standard dose when in combination with the selected Skullcap.

This product has been designed to help aid anxiety, stress and depression (low mood) for short term relief. St. John's Wort traditionally can take up to 6 weeks to take effect, when combining it with the right ratio and weight of our selected Skullcap consumers can expect an initial ease of symptoms whilst the combination comes into more into strength at the 6 weeks period. At this point both active ingredients will combine to give the product it's desired effect leaving the consumer calmer and cooler in trying times hence we call it 'Sang-Froid'. With this product the user can expect a helpful sleep aid. The user can use this as an antidepressant tablet that can help depressive thinking, panic attacks and low mood. 

Dosage: 1 x 700 mg capsule twice per day for 6-12 weeks. 

Pack Includes: 60 x 700 mg capsules. 

Possible Contraindications: Always consult your GP before taking any supplement especially if you are taking any of the following: SSRI's, MAOI's, birth control pills, cyclosporine, digoxin,, oxycodone, some HIV drugs, including indinavir, some cancer medications, including irinotecan and Warfarin. This product can make the user feel drowsy. If affecting please to do operate machinery and avoid alcohol. Ingredients: St. John's )Worthypericum Perforatum) 3% hyperforin 300mg & Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) 400m