Blue Peas Sprouting (Microgreen) Seeds (NOT to TAS)

Selection from 200g to 4kg 

Blue Peas sprouts are young snow pea plants, and it takes about a week to grow a pea seed into a pea sprout, after which the sprout, as it begins to develop leaves, becomes a pea shoot. These sprouts can be grown indoors year-round, though they thrive outdoors when the weather is cool. This variety is Blue Peas which is Australian grown. This is very easy to grow; when sprouted, blue peas are firm and crunchy and commonly used in salads, sandwiches, soups and stir-fries. 

How to sprout Blue Pea seeds

Soak seed overnight. Tray or container can be used to sow seed, remembering to keep moist (seed may rot if overwatered). Sprout length 6-10cm. You can pick the whole plant or cut side shoots as the plant matures. Rinse and drain. Sprouts are ready to be harvested in about 5-8 days, depending upon local growing conditions
