We're talking about a HOTWHEELS 1/64 DIE-CAST car about 7*2.5*2 centimeters.Which is made of plastic,metals and micro components.Brand new,not played by anyone.There are instructions for foreign languages on the back.The storage condition is not very good,the card is aging and bent.Manufactured by the factory in MALAYSIA.Look at the picture carefully. What you obtained is not one from the photo.Please fully understand the product before purchase. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.For minor problems, I hope you are very generous, so we don't accept returns.This product is suitable for people over 8 years old.

We use China Economic Express. It usually takes 15 to 30 days to send it to you from China. If you have any questions, please write to us directly. We only accept payment methods allowed by eBay. If there is any tariff, the buyer will have to pay according to local policy.All problems in the buyer's country will be solved by the buyer (express, law, customs, restrictions, etc.).We can ship to Europe(some countries), USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and so on.