FLAWLESS RECALL: Universal Memorization Method For Conjugating Regular Spanish Verbs

For Students And Teachers

by Alexander Van Berg

Paperback Book

Whether you’re looking at the AP Spanish test, the SAT Spanish test, or another Spanish assessment, if you are a teacher or a student, and you need flawless recall of regular Spanish verb conjugations across 18 tenses, you need this book.

To the new student of Spanish, a big chart that shows you regular Spanish verb conjugations is simply too much disparate information.  That’s the problem, plain and simple.  You’re looking at a large sea of random information, with too few patterns and too little cohesion to make memorization easy.

The mind needs that disparate information crafted into something memorable.

We need to bring intelligent, overwhelming, skillful order to that chaos.  We cannot accept “rote memorization” as the way to learn regular Spanish verb conjugations over 18 tenses.  For many students, it will simply not be learned!  That’s not state of the art.  That’s a poor plan.  That’s never going to work effectively or efficiently.

You are now looking at the best memorization method ever composed for regular Spanish verb conjugations, and it will be distilled directly into your mind.  Slowly but surely, you will have flawless recall of regular Spanish verb conjugations.  When you follow the instructions in the book, the memorization becomes involuntary.
Whether you’re looking at the AP Spanish test, the SAT Spanish test, or another Spanish assessment, if you are a teacher or a student, and you need flawless recall of regular Spanish verb conjugations across 18 tenses, you need this book. To the new student of Spanish, a big chart that shows you regular Spanish verb conjugations is simply too much disparate information. That’s the problem, plain and simple. You are now looking at the best memorization method ever composed for regular Spanish verb conjugations, and it will be distilled directly into your mind. Slowly but surely, you will have flawless recall of regular Spanish verb conjugations. When you follow the instructions in the book, the memorization becomes involuntary.

Paperback Book

Year  2022

Pages:   approximately 171 pages  

Author:    Alexander Van Berg 

Publisher:   Alexander Van Berg 

Photos/Illustrations:   yes; black and white

Edition/Printing:  First Edition

ISBN:  9798201865634

Book Format:  paperback

    Your purchase includes the following: 
    • Flawless Recall: Universal Memorization Method For Conjugating Regular Spanish Verbs, For Students And Teachers by Alexander Van Berg (Paperback Book)