Browse our wide selection of decorative and wooden objects for outdoor use here. Find bird feeder houses, insect hotels, butterfly hotels and bird tables for garden insects and birds. Let the kids explore nature with an insect cage.

Our garden decoration selection also includes wind chimes, thermometer houses, flower presses and wasp traps.

Material set for collectible bird feeding table of light wood. Guidance included

Insect hotel to the garden. Ruge and wintering aid for utilizing insects. Differently filled chambers with cones, bamboo etc.

Insect and butterfly hotel for outdoor use. Comes with bamboo tubes that provide optimal hatching and wintering help for useful insects and butterflies

Two-piece bird feed house made of bamboo fiber with bamboo tree through rod and string for hanging. Bamboo fiber with 20% polymer (binder) is an environmentally friendly product that is easily decorated with Plus Color craft paint, rub-on-stickers etc. Frost-proof down to -21 ° C

Flower presses with light wood cover with resealable metal rings and 20 blank pages (120g). Two wide elastic bands are included, which are placed around the cover for extra pressure

An assortment of different wooden wind chimes.
Wooden motives and metal sticks must be assembled with chord attached

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