What is mango leaves

Mango, the king of fruits, is quite popular throughout the world. Not only the taste and variety it comes with, but also the health benefits of mango leaves are also well known. But why only the fruit? Surprisingly, the mango leaves (aam ke patte) are also equally important for your health. The botanical name of mango leaf, as well as the scientific name of mango leaf, is Mangifera Indica. If you check out the mango with leaf details, you would come to know that the leaves are filled with a number of curative and remedial attributes ranging from mild to some of the severe health issues.

Are Mango Leaves Edible?

Yes, the fresh mango leaves are surely edible. The tender mango leaves are often used for cooking a number of dishes and eaten too. They provide health benefits in several ways, yet they can be allergic to some people, particularly those who are allergic to mangoes. According to mango leaf information, the leaves of the mangoes are toxic. So, be careful while using them.

Importance Of Mango Leaves:

  • The mango leaf characteristics state it as an amazing herbal medicine.
  • They are helpful in the management of diabetes in an effective way.
  • The mango leaf extract is the best natural medicine for people suffering from kidney stones and gall stones.
  • If you are suffering from bleeding dysentery, dried mango leaves are much helpful for quick rescue in powdered form.
  • A hiccup is among the mango leaf use along with other throat issues.
  • The dried mango leaf powder is also friendly for your gut problems as it flushes various unwanted toxins from the body.

Nutritional Value Of Mango Leaves:

Coming to the nutritional values of organic mango leaves are quite rich in Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A. It contains other important compounds like steroids, alkaloids, riboflavin, glikosid, Thiamin, phenolic, beta-carotene, flavonoids and phenolic, which are much helpful for a number of health issues. They also contain antibacterial properties which are among the functional foods. They also contain anthocyanin. Along with all these, mango leaf extract benefits, the leaves are also filled with other properties like anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, anti-viral, anti-oxidant, and anti-diabetic which increases the number of health benefits it provides with to people with age no bar.

How To Use Mango Leaves?

Here are the different types of mango leaves used for obtaining the benefits it provides.

  • Soaking the leaves overnight and drinking the water the next day in the morning.
  • Add mango leaves the tea to the water for bathing.
  • The uses of mango tree leaf also include drinking mango leaf tea two times a day.
  • Using boiled mango leaves for drinking or bathing is also an alternative use of mango leaves.
  • The mango leaf powder is also available for application when it comes to skin issues.
  • The leaves when burnt, ash can also be used for skin problems or burns.
Health Benefits of Drinking Mango Leaf Tea:
  • The benefits of mango leaf tea include treating diabetes, reducing hypertension and heart issues, etc.

Here are a few benefits:
  • In our body, If we want to improve or maintain insulin production then mango leaf tea will surely help.
  • Glucose distribution will increase because of mango leaf tea, It helps to stabilize the level of sugar in our blood.
  • We get more nutrients in mango leaf tea like vitamin c, Fiber, and pectin.
  • Mango leaf tea is more suggested to diabetic patients, this treats diabetic retinopathy and angiopathy.
  • This is benefited those people who face the problem of varicose veins, mango leaf tea treats well in low blood pressure issues.

How To Make Mango Leaf Tea?
Here is how to make mango leaf tea.


  1. 10 to 15 fresh mango leaves.
  2. 2 tsp of honey.
  3. 300 ml of water.
How To Do:

Take fresh and bright mango leaves or even baby leaves around 10 to 15. Place 200 ml of water in a pan and organic honey.

  • Take the leaves and wash them properly.
  • Chop the leaves and make them into small pieces.
  • Add the leaves to a tea infuser and add honey to the infuser.
  • Boil water and add it to the infuser. Cover the infuser with the lid and let the leaves steep for around 10 mins.
  • Remove the infuser and pour the water into a cup or glass.

Best Time To Drink Mango Leaf Tea:
  • According to the scientific name of mango leaves and its uses, the tea made from mango leaves should be ideally used 2 times a day. Drinking tea on an empty stomach is also beneficial for people suffering from diabetes and oral thrush. As it contains antioxidants, it is also beneficial to drink tea at night for a healthy gut.