The vision for SUPER coffee started out as a simple one. To make a coffee delicious, convenient and easily accessible. The concept of a 3-in-1 coffee sounds like a really obvious invention today, but it revolutionized coffee consumption and to this very day, it is still the predominant and preferred form that coffee is consumed in Asia. Being a pioneer in beverages mixes, SUPER is known to be a master blender – creating hundreds of taste variations in coffee, tea and cereal mixes.

We are inherently good at bringing together different tastes, textures and aroma to create that perfect cup. Our expertise is understanding society’s tastes preferences and we have a high-regard for creating products which occupy a meaningful place in the lives of our consumers.

Whenever You Need an Energy Boost

SUPER Power Coffee uses a unique blend of herbs with freeze dried coffee to enhance your energy level. Savor a cup of SUPER Power Coffee with Tongkat Ali, Misai Kuching and Ginseng for Men, Kacip Fatimah and Collagen for Women. Or try our SUPER Ginseng Coffee for a simpler taste.