玉米须桑叶茶 降三高降血糖血压血脂 Chinese Functional Herbal Tea 葛根牛蒡苦荞荷叶决明子养生茶
同仁堂 玉米须桑叶茶 葛根牛蒡苦荞荷叶决明子养生茶 降三高降血糖血压血脂 Chinese Functional Herbal Tea

Product name: corn stigma mulberry tea  
  • Ingredients: corn stigma, mulberry leaf, pueraria root/Radix Puerariae, burdock tea, Tartary buckwheat, lotus leaf, Hawthorn, cassia seed, Tartary buckwheat, balsam pear, gardenia, cyclocarya paliurus
  • Net weight: 150g (5Gx30bags)  
  • Shelf life: 18 months  
  • Tips: This product is not a substitute for medicine 
  • 配料:玉米须,桑叶,葛根,牛蒡,苦荞,荷叶,山楂,决明子, 苦荞,苦瓜,栀子,青钱柳
  • 净含量:150g (5gx30bags)
  • 保质期:18个月
  • 温馨提示:本品不可代替药物
Why choose us?  
  • Double packaging, food grade tea bags, tea leaves easy to filter, safe, convenient and hygienic.  The brown color is clear and bright, leaving fragrance in the mouth.  
  • Do not add pigment, natural color, raw material color  
  • Do not add flavor, natural fragrance, nutrition  
  • Do not add thickening agent, natural thick, enjoy carefree  
  • No preservative added, natural storage, process fresh lock  
  • Big brand guarantee, direct supply of origin, professional team research and development  
  • Generally, after drinking 3 bags, about 450g, blood glucose level will return to the normal range (3.9mmol/L~6.1mmol/L).  
  • Every material is carefully selected.  Good ingredients, scientific ratio, nutrition is not lost. 
  • 双重包装,食用级茶包,茶渣容易过滤,安全方便卫生。茶色澄澈透亮,满口留香。
  • 不添加色素,自然色泽,药材原色
  • 不添加香精,自然清香,营养原味
  • 不添加增稠剂,自然浓厚,享用无忧
  • 不添加防腐剂,自然存放,工艺锁鲜
  • 大牌有保障,原产地直供,专业团队研发
  • 一般情况下,饮用3袋,约450g后,血糖值会回归到正常范围(3.9mmol/L~6.1mmol/L)
  • 每一味材料都是精挑细选。8味好食材,科学配比,营养不流失.
Independent tea bags for easy brewing
Not add flavor, not add preservative, not add pigment
Blood problems are appearing in an increasing number of young people 
Do you have the following questions?  
  • Chest heart palpitations.  
  • Excessive blood sugar  
  • Working under pressure  
  • Vascular lipid accumulation  
  • Dizzy  
  • Insomnia, tinnitus  
  • 胸闷心悸
  • 血糖超标
  • 工作压力大
  • 血管血脂堆积
  • 头晕目眩
  • 失眠耳鸣
  • 血糖,血压,血脂都在涨
  • 晚上疼痛难忍,彻夜难眠
  • 白天随时发作,影响工作
  • 心跳加速,呼吸缓而深
  • 食欲大减,虚弱无力
  • 视力模糊,手脚发麻,头晕目眩
In old age, we should pay attention to our health  
  • Blood sugar, blood pressure, blood lipids are up  
  • Attack at any time during the day, affecting work  
  • The heart is racing, breathing is slow and deep  
  • Loss of appetite and weakness  
  • Blurred vision, numbness in hands and feet, dizziness  
What causes the three highs (hypertension, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia)?  
  • Work overtime to stay up late  
  • Lot drink and socialize 
  • Meat-eater  
  • Work and life are stressful 
  • Dizziness and weakness  
  • Overweight  
  • 加班熬夜
  • 喝酒应酬
  • 无肉不欢
  • 工作生活压力大
  • 头昏无力
  • 体重超标
Corn stigma and mulberry leaf tea  
Selection of raw materials, scientific ratio
Three steps, after soaking , you can drink it immediately 
  • Put a small tea bag into the cup  
  • Add 350ml hot water to brew  
  • Let stand for 5-10 minutes before serving  
Enough material, can soak for many times, can be repeated brewing 3-4 times.  

  • 将一小袋茶包放入杯中
  • 加入350ml热水冲泡
  • 静置5-10分钟,即可饮用