Pigs Defy Profanity : Volume 2 - The Brutal UK Card Game Expansion Pack Play Against Friends

Our phrase cards are designed for a brutal, hilarious and dark game. Showcase your deepest, darkest, immoral and quite frankly disturbing humour! You might have noticed we've re-branded and slightly changed our name. Don't worry, it's exactly the same horrible content as before.

Simple and easy to play. Each player must pick 8 white cards and keep them hidden. The youngest player is nominated as the first Card Master and draws a blue card. The Card Master reads the question or fill-in-the-blank phrase on the Blue Card out loud. Everyone else answers the question or fills in the blank by passing one White Card, face down, to the Card Master. The Card Master shuffles all of the answers and shares each card combination with the group. For full effect, the Card Master should usually re-read the Blue Card before presenting each answer. The Card Master then picks a favourite, and whoever played that answer keeps the Blue Card as one point. After the round, a new player becomes the Card Master and everyone draws back up to 8 White Cards.