natural supply for cleaning body - ANTI-PARASITE 1475mg 3 Bottles 180 Capsules

Anti-Parasite Complex
Detox Your Body, Destroy Parasites In Your Body,
Supprt Your Health, Natural Organic Product

Manufactured in USA
3 Bottle 180 Capsules

What Are Intestinal Parasites
In humans, three types of intestinal parasites may live in the small and large intestines: tapeworms, roundworms (or nematodes, NEE-muh-todes), and protozoa (pro-tuh-ZOH-uh). Certain types remain in the intestines; others travel outside the intestines to invade other organs. Some are so small they can only be seen under a microscope; others can be many feet long. Most tapeworms and roundworms develop in the human body and lay their eggs there. The eggs then pass out of the body through feces (FEE-seez, or bowel movements) and can infest others. Intestinal parasites exist throughout the world. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 3.5 billion people worldwide are infested with some type of intestinal parasite, and as many as 450 million of them are sick as a result. Children are most frequently infected with these parasites. Intestinal parasites spread in areas with poor sanitation and are most common in tropical developing countries on the African, Asian, and South American continents. They are not a large problem in the United States, and Americans are most likely to get intestinal parasites when they travel to remote areas. Parasites are organisms such as protozoa (one-celled animals), worms, or insects that must live on or inside a human or other organism to survive. An animal or plant harboring a parasite is called its host. Parasites live at the expense of the host and may cause illness. Gastrointestinal means having to do with the organs of the digestive system, the system that processes food. It includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, colon, and rectum and other organs involved in digestion, including the liver and pancreas.

How do You Get Parasites?
There are a number of ways to contract a parasite. First, parasites can enter your body through contaminated food and water. Undercooked meat is a common place for parasites to hide, as well as contaminated water from underdeveloped countries, lakes, ponds, or creeks. However, meat is the not the only culprit. Unclean or contaminated fruits and vegetables can also harbor parasites. Some parasites can even enter the body by traveling through the bottom of your foot. Once a person is infected with a parasite, it's very easy to pass it along. If you have a parasite and don't wash your hands after using the restroom, you can easily pass microscopic parasite eggs onto anything you touch  the door handle, the salt shaker, your phone, or anyone you touch. It's also very easy to contract a parasite when handling animals. Hand washing is a major opportunity to prevent parasite contamination and transmission. Traveling overseas is another way that foreign parasites can be introduced to your system. If you consumed any contaminated water during your travels, you may have acquired a parasite of some kind.

Oregano Grape Root: 
This all-purpose natural antibiotic, antiviral, antimicrobial healer has been recognized for its multiple facets in preventing colds, flus, upper respiratory infections, allergic reactions, candida overgrowth and so on. However, what is not as well known is that oregano oil and the effect of its main phenolic compounds (carvacol and thymol) on parasites is quite pronounced. In one study, 77 percent of patients treated for enteric parasites were parasite free after taking oil of oregano in tablet form for six weeks. These results are incredible, but it important to make sure you take all other necessary precautions we talked about, such as dietary changes and doing a cleanse for a minimum of 3 months. Just because those tested for adult worms were clear in 6 weeks, doesn’t mean those dormant eggs weren’t waiting to hatch and reinfect them all over again.

Black walnut:
Black walnut (Juglans nigra) hulls contain a substance that helps the body eliminate parasites. Black walnut hulls also have been suggested for the treatment of poison oak, a local skin irritation caused by plant toxins, as well as canker sores, herpes cold sores, and eczema.  Black walnut is an anti-parasitic and anti-fungal herb that may has been used to ringworm, athlete’s foot, and vaginal yeast infections. It contains both iodine and tannins with strong antiseptic properties. Black walnut is included in Hulda Clark’s anti-parasite program. The anti-fungal properties of black walnut have been known to promote bowel regularity.

Wormwood Powder:
Wormwood (genus Artemisia) is available as an essential oil. It has been used since ancient times as a parasite cleanse and insect repellent. Wormwood also is a key ingredient in absinthe, an emerald-green liqueur. Wormwood is excellent to expel intestinal worms, stimulate the appetite and liver, and also the uterus. It also helps treat liver and gall bladder issues.  It also helps stimulate digestion. Used to expel intestinal parasites and worms, such as pinworms and roundworms. Wormwood also contains compounds known to stimulate digestion by supporting liver and gallbladder function.

Serving Sise: 2 Capsules
Serving Per Conteiner:30

Ingredient: Zinc (amino acid chelate) - 10mg

Proprietary Bleand: 1475mg
Cosistinng of: Cranberry (11% extract), 
Garlic Extract (1.2% allicin),
Apple Pectin Powder, 
Black Walnut Hill Powder, 
Carott Juice Powder,
Papaya Fruit Powder, 
Pau DArco Powder, 
Pumpkin Seed, 
Wood Betony Powder, 
Butternut Bark Powder, 
Cloves Powder, 
Wormwood Powder, 
Oregon Grape Root (10:1 extract), 
Blueberry Leaf (20% extract), 
Golden Thread (5% extract), 
Goldenseal (5% extract), 
Echinacea Angustifolia Powder.

Other Ingredients: Gelatin (bovine), Vegetable Magnesium Stearate, Rise Flour, Vegetable Stearic Acid.

SUGGESTED USE: 2 capsules taken 3 times daily preferably with meals for 10 days. Repeat in 2 to 3 weeks if necessary or as directed by a healthcare professional.