Please Note: All prescription diets are specifically formulated to meet specific needs, ALWAYS check with your vet which diet is best suited to your pet before ordering.

ROYAL CANIN® Neutered Veterinary Health Nutrition Adult Small Breed Dry Dog 8kg

ROYAL CANIN® Neutered Adult Small Dogs is specifically formulated to help neutered small breed dogs maintain an optimal weight.

This diet has an adapted calorie content to help small dogs maintain an ideal weight and a blend of fibres to encourage a feeling of fullness after meals.

This highly digestible formula contains specially selected prebiotics to help support healthy digestion. The kibble’s mechanical brushing effect and the inclusion of a calcium binder helps to delay the formation of tartar.

Please consult with your veterinarian to determine the most appropriate diet for your pet.

Transitioning your pet from one diet to another should be a smooth and gradual process over a 7–10-day period. Please ensure you follow the correct rationing amount, especially when mix-feeding. To cater to each dog’s individual