• Why do you need a contact lens remover? Some people do not like or feel uncomfortable removing the contact lens from their eye with their fingers. Fingers can be covered in cream, have tiny specks of dust, or even worse, bacteria. Therefore, many ophthalmologists advise removing lenses using a contact lens remover. It also makes the process much easier.
  • Can I remove the lens from my eye with my regular contact lens tweezers? No no and one more time no. Lens tweezers are NOT designed to remove the lens from the eye. Contacts tweezers can damage the eye if used inappropriately. Tweezers are used to get the lens out of the container, because it is so difficult to fish out of there.
  • Do your removers have a suction cup or is it just a silicone circle that has no suction power? We only sell removers with suction cups. Who needs removers that have no suction power? Other sellers very often sell low-quality goods - the rounded part of the remover looks like a spoon, it cannot get the lens out of the eye.

Contact lens remover material - soft silicone

1 package includes: - 1 plunger
                                 - 1 plastic individual case for plunger

This contact lens applicator makes insertion and removal of contact lenses easy and safe.

How to put in contact lens: put contact lens on handler. Simply move tool to your eye to put contact lens on.
For removal: gently touch on the contact lens. The contact lens will come off the eye easily. 

Suitable with both types of contact lenses: soft contact lenses and hard contact lenses.

Please be sure to change inserter/removal tool monthly!

US seller
Item is located in USA