JAPAN Absolute martial arts pose collection Yuna Mitake Nude pose photo Book. 180Page

[Nude pose collection]

"A collection of ""absolute martial arts poses"" featuring martial arts is now available!"

This movie is modeled on Yuna Mitake, a beautiful sports woman with extensive martial arts experience.

Completely dissected martial arts motion, which is not normally seen, with a wealth of split photos.

Contents of the recording

01 Judo (Sitting/Dressing/Standing/Standing/Standing/Ogai mowing/Bursting/Bursting/Inner thigh/Support fishing waist/Ouchi mowing/Triangle strangling/Kesa stiffening/Horizontal/Upper/Shrimp/Front/Front/Bridge)

02 Kickboxing (position/punch/kick/combination/break time/close shot)

03 Comprehensive martial arts (stand/punch/kick/mount position/close shot)

Yuna Mitake (literally, "Midake")

Born on April 8th, T168cm B91cm (E) W61cm H92cm from Kanagawa Prefecture