Cassius Marcellus Clay , Nicknamed the Lion of White Hall , was Kentucky planter , Politician and emancipationist who worked for the abolition of slavery . A founding member of the Republician Party in Kentucky , he was appointed by President Abraham Lincoln as the U.S minister to Russia .Born October 19 , 1810 Madison County, KyDied July 22 , 1903 Madison County Ky Known for Southern abolitionist and U.S ambassador of Russia 

He was also one of the founders of the Republican Party in 1854 , He was appointed a Major General in the Union army, but refused to fight as long as slavery continued to be protected in southern states . in 1860 Clay was a leading candidate for the vice president nomination .

This Book is Autographed by the Author himself, dated to an Amanda Duncan .

Very Rare Item none with the Autograph from the Author,  this is the only version of the Title of this Book as well as signed by the Author and person as self.