Hello, I offer 3x gift of 1 specific Habitat to get to Scatterbug  

1 buy = 3x gift of 1 specific Habitat

 will add you to 3 different accounts. You don't need to open the gift, first you save the postcard.

Only the first one Scatterbug  has a cost of 3 Gift, then the amount of postcards you need increases. 
This post is ideal to get your first Scatterbug 

There are 18 different Habitats, you must select the one you need at checkout.

1. Archipelago
2. Continental
3. Elegant
4. Garden
5. High Plains
6. Icy Snow
7. Jungle
8. Marine
9. Meadow
10. Modern
11. Monsoon
12. Ocean
13. Polar 
14. River
15. Sandstorm
16. Savanna
17. Sun
18. Tundra