Love Flush Reiki 1-4 Love is something everyone wants. Our culture, unfortunately, focuses mostly on romantic love as the end all, be all of love. What happens then is that we become to focused and dependant on the 'other' to give us love. We can become obsessed with relationships; expecting one person, a 'soulmate', to fulfill all of our needs. Whatever broken parts of ourselves we have, whatever holes in our hearts that need filling, we look to 'the one' to solve the problem.

The problem with this is there is no other person who can fill that void in your heart! If you are wounded because of your childhood, or perhaps even past lives, a 'soulmate' may only trigger more issues for your. If this person leaves, then devestation and depression can ocur.

True 'love' does not come from without, but, from within. By connecting to your spirit, and the love force within you, you will have an infinite supply of love.

The love flushes help heal the wounds that block us from experiencing the true love of the spirit.

Love Flush 1 works on releasing old wounds and hurts that are blocking the heart energy. We all collect these hurts and wounds as we go through life as a natural part of living hear and dealing with other people. Inevitably, someone will make us feel disappointed or rejected. Love Flush 1 gently releases these old wounds

Love Flush 2 brings in the divine energy of love; the light of God or the universal consciousness (or whatever you choose to call/believe in). This is the tru nature of love -- a love that is without condition, expectation or need. This love is available to us at all times, but often we find ourselves disconnected from it due to the wounds we've gathered and held onto. Use Love Flush 2 whenever you need to experience universal love. Can be used in conjunction with the first flush or on its own.

Love Flush 3 -- Like love flush 1, love flush 3 works on clearing out old emotional wounds. Love flush 1 worked in a  more general manner and also on childhood issues. Love Flush 3 works more specifically on past romantic heartbreaks and betrayals.

Love Flush 4 helps heal relationships. It doesn't matter whether the other person is even interested in  healing the relationship. The energy will help clear the space between you.

Remember! "Healing" a relationship does not necessarily mean bringing to people together. It may instead allow for an easier and more amicable separation.

Relax in the caring space of your own home and open yourself to receive the beneficial, warm divine gift of Reiki energies.
Each healing comes in different duration, the longer the session, the more intensive/thorough and the more blocks/negative energies that can be cleared within your session😇

Healing is a process, not an Event.

Each healing experience is unique to the individual. We all have varying levels of sensitivity, so some people may experience many sensations during a healing, whilst others may enjoy the peace and relaxation.

After purchase, please contact me  with the following information: Your name, city where you live and your preferred time and date for  healing session.
Distance session 60 min.   Looking forward to working with you. I'm here for your benefit.

Arranging Distant Healing for Others:

I am often asked about arranging a distance healing session for someone else. It might be a loved one (spouse, parent, child, etc) or someone that you have heard about that you would like to gift this to. This is a wonderful offering. Unlike some other healing modalities, the distance healing does not need to be permission based. So, it is absolutely possible to arrange for a distance healing session for someone you care about without their permission. If you would like to tell them that you are arranging this for them, then I can contact them via e-mail to set up a specific time for the distance healing session. If you are giving this to them anonymously, you and I will arrange for the session and I will communicate with you about when I have it completed. Healing time varies from person to person.

By law, I am required to state that any intuitive or energy readings are for entertainment purposes only. In addition, any services provided by me cannot be used as a substitute for professional, legal, financial, medical or psychiatric care. 
If you are ill, you should seek the services of a qualified physician. Any actions that you choose to take subsequent to an energy healing session is your own responsibility. 

Healing is not intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for medical advice from doctors.
Energy healing are not about bringing an instant cure, and I does not promise a cure. These healing sessions are about restoring balance and releasing blocks and imbalances in your energy that cause dis-ease and unwanted emotions, so that your body, mind and spirit are in harmony.

If you have any questions, please contact me before your purchase, thank you.