Tektite crystal
Cosmic Consciousness
7X2X1.5 cm 
 Tektite Crystal Healing Kundalini tibet Cosmic Consciousness psychic power 30g 
Meditative tools, helping one to expand the consciousness into the highest frequencies. They have an empowering effect on people and can help to increase synchronicities and connections. Tektites have an invigorating effect on the aura, allowing it to expand and ‘throw off’ energetic debris, leading to a more responsive, free-flowing energetic body
gravel-sized bodies composed of black, green, brown, or gray natural glass formed from terrestrial debris ejected during meteorite impacts. The term was coined by Austrian geologist Franz Eduard Suess (1867–1941), son of Eduard Suess. They generally range in size from millimeters to centimeters. Millimeter-scale tektites are known as micro tektites.
 tektites are superficially similar to some terrestrial volcanic glasses (obsidians), they have unusual distinctive physical characteristics that distinguish them from such glasses. First, they are completely glassy and lack any microlites or phenocrysts, unlike terrestrial volcanic glasses.