These three pieces are beautiful samples from an old company, no longer in business, "Advanced Button & Pleating Company" on Dearborn Street in Chicago.  They are from the 1920s, and the work is just fabulous.  I have never seen anything quite like it.  The clothes that it would have been on would have been amazing.

These three pieces vary in size.  The largest one looks like it was going to be the top of a dress; there is a stain.  Maybe that's why it became a sample.  It certainly shows the work!  The largest starburst or maybe snowflake, measures about 7 inches.  The tiny bright pink with a diamond shape piece measures about 1 1/2".  The last piece, the crown emblem, measures 3 inches. 

All of these are just beautiful, and I am sure there is someone out there that can figure out what to do with these great pieces.