Shelf Life of Potassium Iodate (KiO3) 60 tablets of 170mg


Although they are past the best before expiry date, according to the manufacturer, the shelf-life is “theoretically unlimited”. This means that it will be good for 8 years or more if not exposed to excessive heat. The shelf life can be extended by storing Ki03 in a refrigerator or freezer. When doing so, it is recommended to use some type of sealable storage bag. Note the fact that the sealed bottles are air tight.

Store bottles in a dry, cool place where children cannot reach them. If you swallow a lot of the tablets all together, or if you think a child has accidentally swallowed any of the tablets, contact your nearest hospital emergency room or doctor immediately.


*The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission has made the following statement regarding shelf-life as follows: 


"Is it safe to take KI tablets with an expired shelf-life?


Yes, potassium iodide tablets are inherently stable and do not lose their effectiveness over time."


We can not endorse and cannot verify this claim; we are simply passing on this information made by a trusted governmental department who has conducted studies.   




* Potassium Iodate (Ki03) is made in the USA



   When and how to use Potassium Iodate (KiO3)