Specially formulated for women before, during, and after pregnancy, Centrum Prenatal multivitamins contain 23 essential vitamins and minerals including folic acid, iron, calcium, and vitamin D. Recognized by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC), Centrum Prenatal helps prevent neural tube defects,* support the immune system, and maintain healthy blood glucose levels. Centrum Prenatal also helps support fertility, reduce tiredness and fatigue due to Iron deficiency anemia, and contains B Vitamins to support energy. Backed by over 35 years of nutritional science expertise, Centrum is the #1 doctor-recommended multivitamin brand** and the #1 selling multivitamin brand in Canada.*** This combo pack includes one 100-count bottle of Centrum Prenatal multivitamin supplement tablets. Health Canada recommends that all women who could become pregnant take a prenatal multivitamin containing Folic Acid to reduce the risks of neural tube defects.* Take one tablet daily with food prior to conception, during pregnancy, and when breastfeeding. Take a few hours before or after taking other medications or natural health products. (* Health Canada, It’s Your Health – Folic Acid and Birth Defects, 11/4/13; ** Based on IMS Health Data dated March 2018; *** Centrum calculation based in part on data reported by Nielsen through its Market Track Service for the Adult Vitamins Category for the 52-week period ending 4/28/2018.) Product information is provided by the product vendor. This content is a summary for informational purposes only and does not have all possible information about this product. It should not be used as a substitute for advice from health care professionals, as this information alone does not assure that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. For more detailed information on this product, including reported and possible side effects and contraindications, refer to the manufacturer's monograph, or speak with a health care provider.