Allow Your Good to Flow To You in Abundant Waves in 2023 with the Water Oracle Daily Soul Therapy Kit.

44 card deck | Lay Flat Guidebook | Decorative Storage Box for Cards & Book with enough space to add crystals or other small spiritual aids. Free Cloth to wrap cards in or use as a decorative accent + Aromatherapy Lava Heart!

Note From Author

The Daily Soul Therapy cards can be used as a daily tool, alone or with other decks, or only when you feel you need more guided or in-depth prompting to reach your manifesting goals. Use this deck to keep your life in better flow and use it to create flow when you feel stuck. The element of water has had a cleansing affect in my life, washing away things I held onto too long, supporting my dreams and creating a more optimistic outlook on life, and renewing my spiritual progression. It’s been an amazing two years creating this oracle kit - I offer you this first elemental contribution of Water to nourish your body, mind, and spirit. - Cyndie <3

Cards: 3” wide x 5” tall | Guidebook: 5” wide x 7.75” tall | Reg Price $36.99

Elementals World makes no representations or warranties of any kind, to the metaphysical properties associated with each of our products.

2023 Manifesting Oracle | Water Oracle Daily Soul Therapy | Create More Flow.