Ian Hamilton, Editor – THE NEW REVIEW Vol. 1 No. 5 August 1974 – John McGahern

HAMILTON, Ian [Editor] – THE NEW REVIEW London – The New Review Ltd. 72pp.

Condition : Minor wear to edges. Very Good.

About : Contains 'Greek Street W 1' [Four tributes to John Crowe Ransome 1888-1974; Contributions from Robert Lowell, Roy Fuller, Richard Ellmann, Denis Donoghue]; Colin Falck: 'Cat Gone' [Poem]; Douglas Dunn: 'Straight, No Chaser' [Poem]; Alan Williamson: 'The Pacific Grove Graveyard' [Poem]; Clive James: 'Peregrine Prykke's Pilgrimage Through the London Literary World: A Tragedy in Heroic Couplets' [Play; Recited by Russell Davies, Martin Amis and the Author at the ICA on the Night of June 3rd 1974 under the Auspices of the Poetry International Festival]; Ronald Hayman: 'Profile 5: Claude Chabrol'; Alfred Läutner: 'The Nine Lives of Poetry International' [Report]; John McGahern: 'The Beginning of an Idea' [Fiction]; Ian Hamilton: 'The Little Magazines --2: The Billhook' [Essay on New Verse]; Peter Porter: 'Family Album', 'The Story of my Conversation', An Australian Garden', 'Before the War' [Poems]; Nadine Gordimer: 'The Dogs' [Fiction]; Denis Donoghue: 'Fire in the Great Vein' [Rev. of Collected Poems, by Austin Clarke]; John Carey: 'Tough' [Rev. of Keith Douglas, 1920-1944, by Desmond Graham]; Edwin Morgan: 'Homeward Bound' [Rev. of Selected Letters of Edwin Muir, edited by P. H. Butter]; Douglas Hewitt: 'Just Like Us' [Rev. of Joseph Conrad: The Modern Imagination, by C. B. Cox; Conrad's Romanticism, by David Thorburn]; Letters [From John Carey, Edward Mendelson and others]; 'Nemo's Page' [Competition].