Your Pro Lint Remover That Debobbles Your Jumpers, Sweaters, Blankets, Bedding, T Shirts, And More 

Debobbler clothes shaver clothe shaver sweater defuzzer lint remover shaver trimmer machine

Your Pro Lint Remover That Debobbles Your Jumpers, Sweaters, Blankets, Bedding, T Shirts, And More 

Debobbling tools are a home essential, ironing accessory that most people don’t realise they need

Most people will wear their favourite clothes day in, and day out, until they’re old and worn, and once they look a bit shabby… their favourite hoody, t shirt, or dress goes straight in the bin. 

But Not Anymore!

The Fuzz Buster is a small, handheld, and lightweight defuzzer for clothes, de bobbler for furniture, and depiller for blankets, teddy bears, bedding andeven your socks! Lint removers can make old clothes look new by removing the blemishes and the fuzz laying on the surface of your clothing. This is why bobble removers are such a handy little gadget because they can save you hundreds, or even thousands of pounds on new clothes. 

Why Choose The Fuzz Buster

Other than it’s superhero lint shaving powers, the Fuzz Buster: 

  • No batteries needed - The Fuzz Buster comes with a built in battery that you can charge with your included micro-USB cable
  • Turn OFF before charging - Ensure the switch is in the off position before plugging in to charge.
  • Big 60ml capacity - bobble off to your heart’s content without needing to constantly empty to compartment
  • Spare blades included - we want to make sure you will never need another clothes debobbler again, so we’ve included a spare blade in each package

Handheld lint removers have never been so easy to use, keep, and love. We’ve designed the Fuzz Buster with protecting your clothes and the environment in mind. It’s quick and efficient, and effortlessly breathes new life into your clothes. 

Please note: this fabric shaver has the power to make you fall in love with your old clothes again. Use at your own risk.