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Mulinello Colmic Zenya 2000 spinning bolo match fishing feeder
Proposta in quattro misure la serie è una novità COLMIC che si propone di soddisfare tutte le esigenze di pesca, dalla BOLOGNESE, al FEEDER, all’INGLESE fino al BOLENTINO leggero e pesante. La bobina MAXI SPOOL agevola la fuoriuscita della lenza per distanze di lancio più lunghe. La speciale sagomatura della manovella, porta il pomello più vicino al corpo del mulinello per agevolare notevolmente le operazioni di recupero. I CUSCINETTI sono 5 +1 dedicato all’antiritorno infinito. Il particolare disegno del rotore rende accattivante questo eclettico mulinello dallo straordinario rapporto qualità prezzo.

The ZENYA series is proposed in four different sizes. It is a COLMIC novelty which aims at satisfying any fishing needs - from the BOLOGNESE to the FEEDER, the ENGLISH style and the light and heavy BIG GAME. Its MAXI SPOOL facilitates the slipping out of the line for greater casting distances. The special shape of its handle allows for the knob to be placed closer to the reel body, thus facilitating retrieval. The BALL BEARINGS are 5, +1 for antireverse. The particular design of the rotor gives this eclectic reel a captivating appearance - not to mention its competitive price.The ZENYA series is proposed in four different sizes. It is a COLMIC novelty which aims at satisfying any fishing needs - from the BOLOGNESE to the FEEDER, the ENGLISH style and the light and heavy BIG GAME. Its MAXI SPOOL facilitates the slipping out of the line for greater casting distances. The special shape of its handle allows for the knob to be placed closer to the reel body, thus facilitating retrieval. The BALL BEARINGS are 5, +1 for antireverse. The particular design of the rotor gives this eclectic reel a captivating appearance - not to mention its competitive price.

Disponible en quatre tailles, la série ZENYA est une nouveauté COLMIC destinée à satisfaire à toutes les exigences de pêche, de la BOLOGNAISE à la PALANGROTTE de type léger et lourd, en passant par le FEEDER et l’ANGLAISE. La bobine MAXI SPOOL facilite la sortie du bas de ligne lors de distances de lancer plus longues. La mise en forme spéciale de la manivelle amène le bouton plus près du corps du moulinet, pour faciliter considérablement les activités de récupération. Constitué de 5 ROULEMENTS +1 spécifique pour l’antiretour infini. Grâce au design spécial du rotor, ce moulinet polyvalent à l’excellent rapport qualité-prix est captivant.

La serie ZENYA, propuesta en cuatro tamaños, es una novedad de COLMIC que pretende satisfacer todas las necesidades de la pesca, desde la BOLOÑESA, al FEEDER, pasando por la INGLESA o el VOLANTIN, ligero y pesado. La bobina MAXI SPOOL facilita la liberación del hilo para lograr distancias de proyección más largas. La forma especial de la manivela acerca la perilla al cuerpo del carrete para facilitar las operaciones de recuperación. Dispone de 5 RODAMIENTOS, + 1 reservado para el antirretorno infinito. El diseño característico de su rotor hace que este carrete tenga una extraordinaria relación calidadprecio.