Angels and Demons
The world-famous specialist in religious symbolism, Robert Langdon, is urgently called to Switzerland to investigate the mysterious mark burned on the chest of the brutally murdered physicist. He makes a startling discovery: this is the handiwork of the old enemy of the Church - the secret organization of the Illuminati. In addition, a super-powerful bomb has been planted in the Vatican, which Langdon must find together with the charming woman scientist Vittoria Vetra. A crazy adventure awaits them: following a ruthless killer, collecting corpses, breaking into cathedrals, descending into dungeons to finally find the lair of the Illuminati and save the Holy See.

The Lost Symbol
Robert Langdon, a symbologist from Harvard, is urgently invited to give a lecture at the Capitol building in Washington. But instead of a sophisticated audience, the professor finds five mysterious symbols tattooed on the severed arm of his mentor, the Freemason Peter Solomon. Langdon finds himself at the center of events behind the scenes of one of America's most influential cities. Everything that seemed familiar has turned into a secret world full of shadows, in which Masonic secrets and previously unknown revelations seem to lead to one extraordinary and impossible truth. Sometimes you only need to change the angle of vision to see the light.

Difficult puzzles, escape from the Spanish police, deadly fights, riddles similar to the bizarre buildings of the famous Gaudí, dizzying tangles of the streets of Barcelona - and somewhere in the middle of this vortex is hidden it, the source of ...

Deception Point
An eight-ton meteorite fragment with fossilized remains of living organisms was found in the Arctic, which indicates the existence of extraterrestrial life. Four independent scientists - an astrophysicist, a paleontologist, an oceanographer and a glacier specialist - go to the place of discovery. When they find themselves one step closer to the solution, they begin to be mercilessly killed...

The Da Vinci Code
The intrigue around which the events of the novel unfold is connected with the eternal mystery of humanity: the origin, personality, family of Jesus Christ. The heroes of the book - Harvard scientist Robert Langdon and his unexpected companion, cryptographer Sophie - are actively looking for answers to this mystery, but at the risk of their own lives.
Strange, sometimes incredible discoveries await the heroes on their dangerous path to the truth. But the future children of the heroes, who may turn out to be the descendants of Jesus Christ, will be lucky to get to the truth.

After being assassinated, Professor Robert Langdon lost his memory. "Seek and you shall find" - these lines from Dante's immortal poem echo in his head. They are definitely the key to a mystery...but which one?

Digital fortress
When the most powerful intelligence organization neglects individual freedom in today's information space, it's up to hackers to defend it! One of them created a virus that would crash a supercomputer containing a dossier on every internet user. Will mathematician Suzanne Fletcher be able to neutralize it to prevent the balance of power from being upset? How to extract a secret antivirus code from a hacker's golden ring lost somewhere in Spain? The plot unfolds at breakneck speed, with puzzles and surprises at every turn, so even the most experienced readers will question their own assumptions.