Dinosaurs ! Add some fun extra Large wall decals --five different dinosaurs Adhesive vinyl wall decor made from Oracal 631 offers a quick and easy way to decorate any room, wall, window or any flat smooth clean surface! You can quickly add a design, any way you like ...the vinyl is a matte finish, and once applied looks like paint.

Extra Large Dinos are 11.4" wide each and range in height 3" to 8.45" . Each set contains 5 extra large dinos. Please message me with your colour choice. Each set is one colour. Standard colour for the vinyl is white.

Please note that photos used in the posting are for display purposes only. To determine how many you need, create a one foot square with painters tape on your wall....use this area to figure out how many decals you would like in this area multple that by how many square feet your wall is. For example if you would like one decal in each square foot, a 7' x 9' wall would require 63 decals. You can also place decals randomly and not in a pattern -- what ever way you would like!

Oracal 631 decals stick to almost all flat surfaces.  Rebel Queen Decals are DIE-CUT decals and are hand made by me. The background color will be the color of the surface you place the sticker on, or clear on a window.

Rebel Queen Vinyl Decals come in 3 pieces:

Please note that Oracal 631 sticks best on smooth surfaces. I do not reccomend using them on freshly painted walls, uneven walls, Low VOC or scrubbable paint. (These paints have silicone and decals will not adhere)

1. Top layer is a transparent transfer tape. (Holds your decal together until it is applied)
2. Middle layer is your actual decal. (It is sandwiched between the Application Tape and the Wax Backing)
3. Bottom layer is the paper backing. (Protects the adhesive until the decal is ready to be applied)

Applying decals:
1. Do not apply on extreme cold or hot Surfaces. Ideal temperature must be between 60°F & 90°F.
2. Do not touch the adhesive backing, oils from your skin will prevent sticking.
3. Before applying decal make sure there is no wax or oily products on the surface and ensure the wall/surface is clean.

How to apply a decal:
1. Rub the decal (using a smooth item such as a credit card) to be sure the transfer tape is properly adhered to the sticker. (Front and back)
2. Clean and dry the desired area. Your decal will stick best to clean smooth surfaces.
3. Remove the paper backing slowly making sure it stays adhered to the transparent transfer tape.
4. Carefully position the decal to the desired area.
5. Rub decal from one side to the other, eliminating any air bubbles. Use the vinyl application card or a credit card to make sure it is fully adhered to the surface.
6. Slowly remove the transfer tape, making sure no part of the decal remains on the transfer tape.
7. Check for air bubbles. In most cases air bubbles can be worked to the edge of the sticker, but if not, a pin hole will allow the air out and become virtually invisible.