*****  THE MAGIC GADGET SITE says THANK YOU to all our customers who have supported TMGS for over 15 years!!   And if you are new to TMGS, you can learn more about any of our items and our fast, friendly service by visiting THE MAGIC GADGET SITE eBay store.  Share the magic!           ******

 These jumbo sized ESP symbol cards are about 4.5" x 6.75" card, with a simple RED geometric back design.    (Note: they are slightly smaller than "standard" jumbo cards -- you would not notice the difference without holding them up against your Jumbo Bicycle deck)     The cards are about the same thickness as standard jumbo cards. 

You can see the size of these cards by comparing them to the poker deck that is shown in the photos -- (the poker deck is there only for size comparison; it is NOT included.)

You get FIVE cards -- ONE EACH of the classic Zenner symbols (star, square, waves, cross and circle).             NOTE:   the photo shows six cards, one extra to allow you to see the back design, but you will get FIVE cards, not six

These ESP cards are not gimmicked in any way, and do NOT come with any instructions.   But you can use a card from this set as a larger, more visible and impactful prediction (in conjunction with your own full ESP deck prediction effect).   Or use all five as visual aids in an introductory overview of ESP.  Or as a prediction using equivoque.   Or...  well, use your imagination, and I am sure you will find myriad uses for these big colorful ESP cards.

The symbols are each a different color, which adds extra visual appeal, but can also serve to create the impression in the audience's minds that you are not only divining the symbol, but the color as well.   (Circles are Yellow, Crosses are red, Waves blue, Squares black, and Stars green)

You get FIVE different symbol cards.    No instructions


*****   Yes, we will combine multiple eBay wins into a single shipment to help lower the overall  shipping costs.  We hold eBay wins for up to ten days if you are still bidding on other TMGS eBay auctions.   For multiple item shipments, you pay the highest quoted shipping cost, plus half the quoted shipping for each additional eBay item.       You can also combine eBay wins with purchases from THE MAGIC GADGET SITE eBay store to leverage postage costs.   Postage for your entire shipment will be quoted when all items are combined. packed and weighed.    Rest assured, we at TMGS dislike high postage rates as much as you do, so we will work to keep them as low as possible.    ********