Hardly to put up with teeth sensitivity, isn't it?

Why teeth whitening strips cause teeth sensitivity? The main culprit of teeth sensitivity is that the acrylic carrier which floods the market, fast releases 80% ingredients in five minutes. Sodium Chlorite will lessen your trouble with deterioration as it is more stable in composition.

Anyone knows what TOTAROL is?

Totarol is a compound from the heartwood of the Totara tree in New Zealand, which makes the wood extremely resistant to decay due to potent antioxidant activity. As a nature's super antioxidant, Totarol is 3 times stronger than Vitamin E and it has 20 to 30 times cleaning performance as Tea Tree Oil. With TOTAROL extract, the strips enable to remove the plaque and clean your teeth in whitening progress.

Wipe Off Saliva

Before applying the strips, wipe off saliva on the back and front of your teeth. The tooth fairy just visits at night, so better to whiten teeth before bed.

Put On the Strips

The notch in the lower (upper) strip should be facing upwards (downwards). Align the notch with the gap between the incisors. Put on the strip respectively and fold the remnant of the strip behind teeth. Press the strips onto the teeth to let them "hold" your teeth tight.

teeth whitening kit

Whiten Your Teeth

Apply strips for 30 minutes. During whitening, do anything you like: read, watch a movie, do yoga...But just do not take any foods or do any chewing movements when wearing the strips...

teeth whitening kits

Take Off the Strips

Take strips off and brush the gel residue remaining. In 7-Day treatments, plz avoid dark foods/drinks such as coffee, tea, red wine, blueberries, and pasta sauce, etc. But, if you are the “addict” of these foods/drinks, plz rinse and floss your mouth after "coloring" your teeth.

Whitening tips

You Have Questions, We Have Answers

When Will I Begin To See Results With Ribivaul Whitening Strips?

Don't be panic if you can not notice the difference at first use. It is hard for the naked eye to differentiate the nearby teeth shades, but the strip does work. The whitening effect will be remarkably noticeable after 3 or 4 treatments. The colorimeter can accurately measure the color shift of the whitening process.

Any interest in data by colorimeter? We‘d love to share it

Will the strip slip off my teeth?

Wipe saliva, use finger, tongue, and lip. You tried all sorts of methods, but the strip keeps coming off. That is because the saliva can permeate in whitening gel if the strip cannot fully cover your teeth. As we redesigned the shape of strips to achieve full coverage of your teeth, have the strips tightly cling to your teeth until torn off.

We get a video of detailed usage!

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

The length of time your teeth will stay whiter is influenced by several factors, including how often you drink coffee, tea, dark colas, red wine or smoke. If you can not reduce taking these drinks or smoking, you can use 1 treatment a week or fortnightly to maintain the effect.

Need any tips? We provide customized teeth whitening plan.

Professionals' Advice

Avoid foods&drinks high in acid which could wear away enamel during the whitening treatment.

The top culprits include hard sugar candies, coffee, and soft drinks like cola, soda.

Avoid citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, grapefruits during whitening treatments.

Drink enough water as saliva will help remineralize your teeth.

Use fluoride toothpaste and brush your teeth at least twice a day.

Features & details

6 shades whiter in 7-Day treatment! Finding your smile is a bit brighter and more appealing every next morning after last-night’s 30 minutes application. Enjoy the ‘WOW’ compliments after continuous use in 7 days.

86% of teeth stains observed being wiped off at average after 7-days of continuous use, thanks to the HydroPatch patented carrier, which is capable of loading TRIPLE whitening ingredients compare to the normal acrylic carrier.

Throbbing teeth pain on the roof and couldn't even eat! NEVER AGAIN! Whitening ingredients would be released softly, sustainably and evenly, due to our unique carrier. Fear no more sensitivity in 7-days continuous use.

95% of dental plaque be removed and resisted after 7 treatments as experimentally proved, owes much to the TOTAROL extract contained, which has 20X cleaning efficacy of Tea Tree Oil, and 3X antioxidant activity of Vitamin E.

No more frustrating sliding-strips! No more hard-to-reach teeth area! Our stretchable mesh structure can easily reach and adhere to all areas of your teeth with no bothering by residual saliva. Recommended by Dentists.