In excellent used condition with only minor wear and tear from being handled and looked at and read.

I'm also including many paper pages that were laminated and sealed to protect it. These laminated pages are exact identical same pages that you will find in the 101 Dressage Exercises For Horse & Rider Trade Paper Back. Just to let you know that the Laminated Pages are not all there. 

The Laminated pages that are there:

Exercise 1:  The Oval page 3-4 Exercise 2:  Needlepoint page 5-6                     Exercise 3:  Go and Whoa page 7-8     Exercise 4:  Turns and Forward Movement page 9-10                        Exercise 8:  Little Trot Transitions page 19-20
Exercise 10:  Walking Ground Poles page 23-24          Exercise 11:  Walking Ground Poles with Bending page 25-26
Exercise 12:  Moving around a Point page 27-28                               Exercise 13:  Turns on the Square A page 29-30
Exercise 14:  Turns on the Square B page 31-32                                      Exercise 15:   Flex, Counter-flex page 33-34
Exercise 16:  The Ackerman Square page 35-36                                     Exercise 17:  Leg-yield to Canter page 37-38
Exercise 19:  Serpentines without Walls page 43-44                                    Exercise 20:  Holding the Line page 45-46
Exercise 21:  Transitions with a Bend page 47-48                           Exercise 22:  Serpentines with a Bend page 49-50
Exercise 24:  Circle and Canter page 53-54                                         Exercise 25:  Moving the Shoulders page 55-56
Exercise 26:  Shoulder-in on Quarter Line page 57-58                                      Exercise 28:  Maneuvering page 61-62
Exercise 43:   Leg-yield to Counter Circles page 95-96                        Exercise 45:   Leg-yield Staircase page 99-100
Exercise 47:   Leg-yield to Canter Depart page 103-104                    Exercise 51:   Leg-yield Pinwheels page 111-112
Exercise 57:   Cowboy Figure Eight Page125-126                 Exercise 58:   Transitions on a Serpentine page 127-128
Exercise 59:   Transitions on a Square page 129-130                           Exercise 60:   Canter Leg-yields Page 131-132
Exercise 61:   Miles of Counter-canter page 133-134         Exercise 64:   True Canter to Counter-canter page 139-140
Exercise 66:   Trotting Ground Poles page 145-146      Exercise 67:   Trotting Ground Poles on an Oval page 147-148
Exercise 68:   Trotting Ground Poles with Transitions page 149-150               Exercise 69:   Trotting Ground Poles with Reverse Page 151-152
Exercise 71:   Fore and Aft page 155-156                                          Exercise 72: One-stride Transitions page 157-158
Exercise 73:   Cantering Ground Poles page 159-160                 Exercise 74:   Diagonal to Haunches-in page 163-164
Exercise 75:   Using the Voice A page 165-166                                 Exercise 78:   Walk/Halt Transitions page 173-174
Exercise 79:   Transitions with a Sidestep page 175-176      Exercise 80:   Rein-back with Lateral Steps page 177-178
Exercise 81:   Walk/Halt/Rein-back Transitions page 179-180            Exercise: 83:   Inside and Outside Page 183-184
Exercise 84:   10-10-10 page 185-186                                                        Exercise 85:   Building Power Page 189-190
Exercise 86:   Counter-shoulder-in to Lengthening page 191-192  

Please read the description details and view all photo's that I've have provided to you. 

I do my best when I create a listing to sell an item. I might have a spelling mistake, or my pictures of the item is not the best photo take.

If you have any questions, please let me know and I'll do my best to help you out any way that I possibly can that I can.

I will ship the material within 0-1 business days or soon as I can after that I've have seen that a clear payment was made.