Hey there, friend! I wasn't expecting you, but sure do appreciate you taking the time to click through to the Description!

If you made it this far, you're probably a serious buyer seeking more details about this magical item that I'm asking an absolutely ridiculous amount of money for. 

I'll get to those deets in a moment - right after I share my story.

The date was November 28th, 1991. Thanksgiving night. My parents were Jehovah's Witnesses and all holidays were "worldly" so basically it was just another Thursday evening. I was sitting on my bed playing "Sonic the Hedgehog" on my SEGA Genesis when the phone in my room rang. I paused my game and lifted the cream-colored, pill-shaped GTE base model handset and whispered, "Hello?"

Now, I wasn't particularly popular with the ladies in high school. Not so much because I was unattractive and morbidly obese, but because I was into nerdy stuff that pretty much everyone knew very little about and/or hated, like "Doctor Who", "Star Wars", Marvel Comics, British rock sensations Queen, and Disney (before they owned Marvel, Star Wars, Queen's entire music catalogue, and the 2023 streaming rights to "Doctor Who"). Nevertheless, I was both surprised and ecstatic to hear a female voice asking for me by my Christian name.

My Mystery Caller identified herself as "Helen" (not remotely close to her actual name, but in the event there's a legal issue down the road). She told me that a mutual friend of ours that she sat next to in her remedial adult high school was playing matchmaker and gave her my phone number. [Side Note: this mutual friend was a Mormon - which really doesn't have much to do with the story right now, but I assure you that there will be a faint callback to the subject matter for those of you that closely follow the careers of 21st Century Comic Geniuses]. Helen asked if I was free to drive all the way clear to the other BFE side of town so that I could pick her up and pay for the both of us to see "Beauty and the Beast". After zero seconds of consideration and because this was the first time a girl had ever asked me out, I turgidly replied, "Sure, Helen - what's your address so I can unfold this gargantuan map and try and figure out how to find your home?" Kids, this was actually a quite common for all of humanity until just recently.

Several hours later, I arrived at Helen's parents' home. She greeted me at the door. I was impressed with her style: Jelly Shoes. Those stretchy pants that strap under your feet in your shoes. An untucked, men's collared shirt - complete with tie. Giant Early 90's hair. 

Fast-forward to the movie. It was super good. I was actually such the Disney geek that I had managed to catch it at WDW Passholder invite sneak preview 2 weeks prior - a week before the Domestic release! Of course, I had no desire to share this information with Helen. I mean, why ruin the romanticness of our 1st Date?!

Anyways, Helen and I dated for a few months. It was awful and ended badly when I caught her hooking up with another dude upon a surprise visit to her home after working a graveyard shift (not at an actual graveyard). I'm absolutely not bitter whatsoever. Heck, I even ended up "trading up" and dated another friend of hers for many years after Helen and I saw "Beauty and the Beast" for the 1st (& 2nd) time together. 

Back to the VHS tape:

Thank you for the opportunity to earn your business. If you are on the fence about buying this, a few things:

Now, if you thought the Helen Saga ended in 1992, you'd be most incorrect! In fact - this is where it really gets weird.

The year is now 2017. Helen sends me a Friend Request on Facebook.

After a few weeks of silence and Likes & Loves on my stupid posts of food and kids, she sends a DM to me stating that her Mom had passed away and asks if I could call her. Having just lost my Mom to Death a few years prior, I had a dumb moment of compassion for my ex-, and tapped on the phone number she texted me.

NOTE: What happens next will shock you.

Helen proceeds to tell me that her Mom died in the ER at a local City General Hospital some 6 months prior to her reaching out to me. She goes on to paint a dramatic story of how this sweaty, gorgeous, Fabio-esque ER doctor was pounding on her chest for hours trying to resuscitate Mom. 

Per Helen's recollection of events, immediately after the aforementioned Doctor Sexy informed her of Mom's shuffling off the mortal coil, he told her that she was beautiful and took her out for Thai food after his shift to console her. Turns out, being a doctor wasn't her new boo's only gig; when he wasn't out saving lives and doing what he went to school a decade to accomplish, he modeled for the covers of vampire-themed romance novels. See how that dated "Fabio" reference makes more sense now?!

Feeling misled and confused about Helen's intent to speak with me, I scrambled to end the conversation. I offered condolences for the loss of her Mom and congratulations for finding true love with Dr. Morbius. She told me that it meant a lot to hear me say that, and she had one more thing to tell me before I hung up. PRO-TOP: If an ex- ever asks this favor of you on a phone call - just hang up on them right freaking then.

Helen says that her and her Vlad Clooney were no longer an item because she was unable to bear his children. As fate would have it, they discovered that they were actually brother and sister, separated at birth - both adopted to different parents. Apparently after 6 months of "Game of Thrones"-level incest, The Count ran some tests in the lab at work and had determined that it was medically impossible to make a baby with his blood-sister. 

"Oh. Wow", I replied. "That's..."

That's when she cut me off. "Wait, Post Malone! (not my real name)", she interrupts, "I'm not done talking". 

You know exactly what came next.

"I love you, Post! I've loved you for 25 years! That morning you stopped by my home and walked in on me and Webster (again, not a real name but I really loved that show) was all a misunderstanding! A piece of jewelry I borrowed from my Mom fell behind my bed and I wasn't strong enough to move it so I called a neighbor to help before Mom got home from AA because I didn't want to get in trouble! And those underwear on the floor by my bed actually belonged to my parents! I did laundry and they fell from the basket!" 

That was enough for me. "Teres-, umm, Helen - you are talking about something that happened a quarter of a century ago. I'm married and have kids. Look, sorry about your Mom and all, but any other ship you thought was moored at this port sailed long before Limp Bizkit warned us about the he-said-she-said bullpoo. Your Mom was kind to me. Sorry her time on Earth came to an end. Find a place to make peace in your mind with that and don't stop until calm has arrived. I'm going to go back to my life now, Helen. Be safe out there."

"FINE!", shouts Helen, "Well if that's how you really feel, know that I will NOT be seeing the new live-action remake of 'Beauty and the Beast' with Hermione EVER because I haven't even watched the original cartoon that we saw for our first time together since we saw it together because it reminds me of YOU!!!"

coup de grâce /ˌko͞o də ˈɡräs/ noun  a final blow or shot given to kill a wounded person or animal.  

"Helen," I spoke calmly into my Blackberry.

"Yes, Post Malone?" Helen spoke, with a renewed sparkle in her voice.

"Helen, I've also been waiting 25 years to tell you something."

"What, Post? WHAT?!" she snaps back excitedly.

"Helen, I like totally saw that movie, like, 2 weeks before Thanksgiving at *Pleasure Island. Oh, and "Book of MORMON" 's Josh Gad is a 21st Century Comic Genius, so you're now you missing out on two funny fat dudes."

End Call. Block. Unfriend. Block.

If you feel the same way about owning this incredible copy of "Beauty and the Beast" that Helen felt about me, make it yours today and Buy It Now!

Thanks for visiting my store. Like/Subscribe/Share my Ebay store if that's even a thing. Be Excellent to Each Other. This Is The Way. #joshgad #comicgenius