One share certificate (action de capital) of " SOCIÉTÉ MINIÈRE DU CANADA" SA  Brussels  1910.  Bearer capital share  of 500 francs .blue and yelow .Seal  PAYÉE (paid) with very small star cancellation hole, .The Belgian bank " Banque d´Outremer" was a Important founder shareholder. Suposed to be totally refound arround 1920.Capital 10 million francs.Printer :Imp.Industrielle et Financière(Bruxelles).Condition (opinion):Good (G)  with lower right corner slightly cut.

Use of this picture  for reference only, serial number may be different.


Terms of sale and shippig information

Postage, including packing material, handling fees : Europe: USD 7.60 / USA $ 8.80. Rest of the World: USD 9.20.FREE of postage for other items. (excluding purchases under US$70.00 with a weight greater than 100 gr. including the protection and packaging card ) .Only one shipping charge per shipment (the highest one) no matter how many items you buy (combined shipping).

Guaranteed genuine - One month return policy (retail sales) .Returns accepted with no questions.

Customers are invited to combine purchases to save postage.

As we have (or could have) more than one identical  item ,the serial number may differ from those shown in the picture which is for reference only.

For purchases above $70.00 we send the orders registered with tracking number without extra charge, for purchases below $70.00 we ship as regular letters at the buyer's risk. 

For purchases below $ 70,00 who want to register your letter with tracking number, please add an extra for : Europe $2.50 , U.S. $3.50 ,Rest of the word $4.30 .For this case ,please request  or wait  for our invoice before paying.

Postage include packaging material and handling fees.

For some destinations and purchases below $70.00 customers may be requested for this extra shipping payment in order to register the shipment with tracking number.

We reserve the right to cancel transactions that require the sending of unregistered letters (without tracking number) to some destinations when this extra payment has been requested.

For purchases over $70.00, the excess weight will be free. 

For purchases under US$70.00 with a weight greater than 100 gr. including the protection and packaging card, the buyer is asked not to make the payment until receiving the invoice or shipment note, since the cost will be calculated and the type of shipment will be assessed (registered or insured or not) and the buyer will be charged the approximate total of the costs of the Post Office rate (rates that are public and can be consulted), in this case the costs of packaging materials, handling and delivery management are free.

 In the event that the buyer has already made the payment, he will be asked to pay the difference that is missing for the payment of the postal rate. Likewise, we reserve the right to cancel transactions that have not been paid this extra amount when requested.

If for any reason, your item did not arrive yet, or you are not 100% satisfied with the item you have received, please do not hesitate to contact , I will do all it takes to provide the best service.

Full refund policy ,including shipping cost, guaranteed in case of lost or theft after the completion of the complaint with Spanish Correos for the registered letters (free of extra charges for purchases abobe $70.00 or with the extra charge paid for purchases below $70.00). 

The buyer must notify to us of the delay in the arrival of his purchase when he meets 3 weeks ( to Europe) to 4 weeks (rest of the World) this guarantee expires two months after the shipment of his purchase if we have not previously received notice of the delay.


Banknote Grading

About Uncirculated 
Extremely Fine 
Very Fine 
Very Good 


no counting marks 
light counting folds OR... 
light counting folds 
corners are not fully rounded 
much handling on edges 
rounded edges 


no folds 
...OR one light fold through center 
max. three light folds or one strong crease 
several horizontal and vertical folds 
many folds and creases 



paper is clean with bright colors 
paper may have minimal dirt or some color smudging, but still crisp 
paper is not excessively dirty, but may have some softness 
paper may be dirty, discolored or stained 
very dirty, discolored and with some writing 
very dirty, discolorated, with writing and some obscured portions 
very dirty, discolored, with writing and obscured portions 


no tears 
no tears into the border 
minor tears in the border, but out of design 
tears into the design 


no holes 
no center hole, but staple hole usual 
center hole and staple hole 


no pieces missing 
no large pieces missing 
piece missing 
piece missing or tape holding pieces together

                   See some related information from the web:


La Banque d’Outremer a t constitue le 7 janvier 1899 sous le nom de Compagnie Internationale pour le

Commerce et l'Industrie. Son capital primitif tait de 32,5 millions de francs, rparti en 65 000 actions de

500 francs. De nombreuses banques d’affaires y souscrivirent : la Socit Gnrale de Belgique, pour 9420

actions ; la Banque Lon Lambert, pour 4800 ; la Banque de Bruxelles prit ferme 2600 titres; Franz

Philippson, 2600 galement ; Balser & Co., 2600 ; la Banque Ligeoise, 2000 ; Joseph Devolder, 2280 ;

Jules Urban, Albert Thys, Georges de Laveleye, Jean Cousin et Hippolyte Lippens, 1800 chacun ; R. de

Bauer, Georges Brugmann, Ernest Grisar, Alfred Havenith et Alfred Simonis, chacun 1000 actions ; la

Caisse Commerciale de Bruxelles, Cassel & Cie, J. Matthieu & Fils : chacun 800 titres. En outre, trois

groupes trangers avaient souscrit au capital : un groupe fran.ais, gravitant autour de la Banque de Paris et

des Pays-Bas (12 000 titres) ; un groupe allemand emmen par la Deutsche Bank A.G., de Berlin (7000

titres) ; et un groupe plus restreint d'investisseurs anglais, au sein duquel on retrouvait les fr.res Stern,

Ernest Cassel et Sir Vincent Caillard (2500 titres).

Les prises de participation de la Banque dans la Socit du Canada et dans la Simkat (Socit

Belge Industrielle et du Katanga) remontent galement . 1910. C'est aussi cette anne-l. que pour

la fois le rapport annuel mentionne l'Agence Maritime Walford, agence principale de la ligne

maritime Anvers-Congo : cette participation devait entra.ner la prise de contr.le, l'anne suivante, de la

Compagnie Belge Maritime du Congo. En 1911, la socit cra galement le Crdit Foncier Franco-
