
Enlarge your penis by just sipping some Bazooka herbal coffee, made from herbal and natural ingredients, no side effect. It is very effective for stronger, longer and bigger Gbola.
* Prevents quick ejaculation * Increases penis size * Promotes sexual performance * Boosts man libido * Enhances erectile dysfunctions * Helps in sexual disorders
* Purifies the body
Last long in bed. * Dosage,Pour 1 Sachet in a cup add boiling water, honey to taste stir and enjoy. 30 mins / Individual body system  Prior to use .
Mix with Warm Drink of Your Choice, Milkshake, Milk, Red Wine.
It Can Be Mix With Yoghurt.

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Disclaimer: Glory land ventures are not registered medical professionals. If you require medical treatment, we advise you get further medical help by a registered medical professional .

Consult your doctor before taking any medicine.